
Cleaning and maintenance of filter element of vacuum pump

As far as the filter element of imported vacuum pump is concerned, it is actually one of the filtering equipment of vacuum pump. In this respect, it is actually an important working part of filter. Then, as far as the filtering effect is concerned, it is mainly determined by the performance of filter element. There will be many main filtration forms in operation.

First of all, it will include the intake filter element. In this respect, it will effectively prevent solid particles and fine ash from being inhaled into the vacuum pump to a large extent. In this way, to a large extent, it will directly reduce a wear phenomenon of the machine itself, so as to improve a reliable performance of the operation itself. At the same time of prolonging the service life of the pump, it can effectively protect the components of the system itself.

After that, clean the filter element shell of the vacuum pump manufacturer, empty the surrounding of the filter and leave the operation area. Wear protective equipment. Disconnect the filter that needs to be replaced from the system. Slowly open the exhaust port at the top of the filter and depressurize it. Pay attention to safety during the process to prevent material or liquid splashing. Empty the material in the filter, open the filter cover with tools, take out the filter element of Baker vacuum pump, and use plastic bags to install the filter element to be scrapped. Use clean tools and rags to clean the internal of the filter and install a new filter element.

Open the plastic bag at one end of the opening of the filter element, check whether the O-ring is in good condition and in place, and install the material in the way of flowing in from the outside of the filter element and flowing out from the inside of the filter element; wet the O-ring and the socket of the filter element seat with a suitable wetting agent (such as water), hold the end of the filter element close to the O-ring, insert the socket of the filter element into the socket of the filter element seat vertically, and then insert the filter element of Baker vacuum pump After inserting, remove the packing bag of filter element, install the metal cover, and tighten the filter with tools; close the drain port of filter, open the vent valve on the top of the shell, slightly open the inlet valve, so that the material can enter the shell until the liquid overflows from the vent valve on the top of the shell, and then close the vent valve. Pay attention to check if there is any leakage at the disassembly place, and slowly open the filter outlet valve until it is fully opened. Indicates that the replacement is completed; remove the replacement tools and cleaning tools.

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