
Vacuum pump industry

Vacuum pump industry

With the development of vacuum industry in China for more than 50 years, the dry vacuum pump has formed an industrial system with complete categories and complete structure, which shoulders the responsibility of technical equipment in various fields of national economy. Over the years, through technology introduction, technological transformation and joint venture cooperation, industry enterprises have made significant improvements in management level, technical level and product quality. In terms of product output, variety, specification and quality, it can basically meet the needs of all sectors of the national economy and people's life.

Recently, the Research Report on the development of vacuum equipment manufacturing industry describes the development process of the world's vacuum equipment manufacturing industry, analyzes the development status and gap of China's vacuum equipment manufacturing industry, and creatively puts forward the concept of "new vacuum equipment manufacturing industry" and substitute industry. This further indicates that although the current pump industry that I have passed can basically meet the needs of our country, it is urgent to develop more energy-saving and efficient pump products, and pump enterprises should pay more attention to operating efficiency while producing pumps, and constantly improve their own productivity.

China's vacuum equipment industry should pay more attention to the problem of overcapacity. We should optimize, digest and eliminate the market stock and new energy deficit, avoid repeated construction, and redefine the capacity target to avoid excess. As a general-purpose machinery, vacuum equipment is expected to slow down in the future due to some problems caused by expansion in the past few years. The decline in export growth indicates that the extension of price war to foreign countries for low-end and medium-end products in China has not been able to save the sluggish speed, but rather that the development goal of the industry should be changed.

The development environment of China's vacuum equipment is restricted by different factors, with obvious restriction. Restricted by the domestic macro operation environment, the prospect of China's vacuum equipment industry is still promising. In the past two years, the complex operation conditions have stabilized the investment. The phenomenon that enterprises pursue the expansion of production capacity too much has become rare. The industry situation that pays attention to the operation quality to achieve long-term and stable development has gradually formed. It is expected that this year's growth rate will reach about 15% - 20%, which will maintain a slightly fluctuating and resilient growth situation.

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