
water ring vacuum pump pumping speed

The pumping speed of water ring vacuum pump, in short, is the volume of gas pumped out through the pump port in a certain unit time. The following is a detailed introduction.

1. The gas pumped from the suction port of the vacuum chamber can only be pumped by the vacuum pump through the flow guide u, except that the movement process of the gas pumped from the suction port of the vacuum chamber to the pump port is the flow from high pressure to low pressure, while the gas pumped from the pump port is the forced flow from low pressure to high pressure based on some pumping principle.

2. The connecting pipe between water ring vacuum pump and vacuum chamber can include cold well and valve, etc. if the flow guide between pump and vacuum chamber is u, the pump can only pump air to vacuum chamber through flow guide u, and its pumping capacity will be limited. At this time, the real significance of the pumping effect on the container is the effective pumping speed S0 at the pumping port of vacuum chamber

3. According to the basic vacuum equation, two extreme results can be obtained mathematically, that is, when the flow guide u is very large, the pumping speed of the water ring vacuum pump can be approximately equal to the pumping speed s of the pump, when the pumping speed s of the pump is very large, or the flow guide u is very small, the effective pumping speed S0 of the vacuum chamber is approximately equal to the flow guide U

4. If the pumping speed of water ring vacuum pump is very large, that is to say, relative to the pumping speed of the pump, the flow guide u is very small. At this time, the actual pumping capacity of the pump does not depend on its pumping speed, but on the ability of gas passing through the flow guide U. the flow guide value is exactly the effective pumping speed S0

5. The flow guide u is very large, that is, the amount of gas passing through it is not limited, so the pumping capacity of the pump depends on its own pumping speed, which is the same as that the pump port is directly connected with the vacuum chamber.

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