
How to solve the overload of Roots vacuum pump

The power required by roots vacuum pump to compress gas is directly proportional to the pressure difference. Once the gas pressure difference is too high, the pump may be overloaded and the motor winding may be burnt. There are several ways to deal with the problem of pump overload: select mechanical active pressure regulating bypass valve. The bypass valve is installed on the bypass pipe between the outlet and inlet of Roots vacuum pump.

This valve operates the differential pressure between the pump inlet and the pump outlet without exceeding the additional value. When the pressure difference reaches the extra value, the valve will open actively by the effect of pressure difference, so that the outlet of Roots vacuum pump is connected with the inlet, so that the pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet drops rapidly. At this time, roots vacuum pump operates under the load without pressure difference. When the pressure difference is lower than the additional value, the valve is actively closed, and the gas is pumped out by the front stage pump through the roots vacuum pump.

The roots vacuum pump with bypass overflow valve can be started together with the previous pump, which makes the operation of the unit simple and convenient. The selection of hydraulic coupling can also avoid overload of the pump, so that the pump can operate under high pressure difference. The hydraulic coupling is installed between the pump and the motor. In normal operation, the hydraulic coupling transmits additional torque from the motor end to the pump.

The maximum pressure difference of Roots vacuum pump is determined by the maximum torque transmitted by the hydraulic coupling, while the maximum torque transmitted by the hydraulic coupling is regulated by the amount of liquid in between. When the pump works under high pressure difference or starts together with the front pump, there is a speed difference in the liquid coupling, that is, sliding, which only transmits a certain moment to slow down the pump. With the pumping process, the gas load is reduced, and the roots vacuum pump is gradually accelerated to an additional speed.

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