
Method of reducing crankshaft wear of dry vacuum pump

Method of reducing crankshaft wear of dry vacuum pump

Crankshaft is an important part of engine. It receives the force from the connecting rod and converts it into torque output through the crankshaft and drives other accessories on the engine. If the crankshaft is seriously worn, the normal operation of the machine will be affected. Similarly, if the crankshaft of the dry vacuum pump is worn, it will not only affect the normal operation, but also cause danger. How can we reduce the wear and tear?

The surface wear of Crankshaft Journal of dry vacuum pump is uneven. The radial wear of main journal and connecting rod journal is mainly elliptical, and the wear parts correspond to each other, that is, the wear part of each main journal is close to the side of connecting rod journal; the wear part of connecting rod journal is also close to the side of main journal. The elliptical wear of crankshaft journal is caused by the uneven distribution of the force acting on the journal along the circumference.

When the engine is working, the general force on the connecting rod journal always acts on the inner side of the connecting rod journal, and the direction is outward along the crankshaft radius, so the inner side of the connecting rod journal is worn greatly, forming an ellipse. The reason for the wear of the connecting rod journal of the dry vacuum pump is that the oil passage leading to the connecting rod journal is inclined. Under the action of centrifugal force, the mechanical impurities in the lubricating oil tend to accumulate on one side of the connecting rod journal, making the wear of the connecting rod journal tapered.

There may also be scratches and burns on the surface of the journal when it is used. The abrasion is mainly caused by the unclean engine oil, during which the larger consolidation mechanical impurities are scratched on the surface of the journal. The burn on the surface of the journal is caused by the burning of the bearing, which is mainly caused by the thin oil and other reasons.

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