
What is the leakage rate of vacuum pump

What is the leakage rate of vacuum pump

It refers to the flow of a specific gas through the leakage hole under specified conditions.

The leakage rate of the vacuum pump is directly related to the ultimate pressure. In the vacuum pump operating at the ultimate pressure, its gas state is close to the molecular flow, the molecular free path of the gas is large, and the gas molecules are not easy to penetrate the gap between the rotor and the relevant parts, that is to say, the time gap has a very small impact on the ultimate pressure, and the only factor that can affect the ultimate pressure is the leakage rate 。 The so-called vacuum pump has reached the limit pressure, that is, the gas leaking into the vacuum pump and the gas pumped out by the vacuum pump have reached a dynamic balance and entered a relatively stable state.

There are two methods to measure the leakage rate of vacuum pump, valve method and helium mass spectrometer method.

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