
Repair steps of vacuum pump unit

The gas compression of vacuum pump unit is isothermal, which can remove flammable and explosive gas. It is hard to avoid poor maintenance in use, and the conventional repair method is welding. However, some parts are made of cast iron, aluminum alloy and titanium alloy, which are difficult to be welded, and even some dangerous occasions prone to explosion are not easy to be welded. So how to fix this situation?

1. Apply a thin layer of material first to ensure the bonding and full coverage of the vacuum pump unit, and then evenly apply the material to the repair surface to achieve the required repair thickness.

2. When the material temperature is increased by 11 ℃, the curing time will be shortened by half, but the rising temperature shall not exceed the bearing temperature of the material.

3. Remove the oxide layer on the surface of vacuum pump unit and clean the surface with acetone.

4. Mix strictly according to the proportion, and mix evenly until there is no color difference.

The "cold welding" technology of vacuum pump unit can avoid thermal stress deformation, at the same time, the material has good adhesion, compression resistance, corrosion resistance and other comprehensive properties, which can meet the use requirements of various equipment components to a greater extent, so as to effectively ensure production with low cost investment. Safe, convenient and reliable. These repair methods must be kept in mind, very helpful.

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