
Oil vacuum pump system

Oil vacuum pump system

It is a problem that every vacuum operator must face up to now to examine the traditional oil vacuum pump system from the perspective of energy saving and emission reduction. The traditional concept of oil-free is only to obtain a clean, carbon free hydride pollution of the vacuum environment. Today's "no oil" not only meets the process requirements of a clean vacuum environment, but also protects the environment from external exhaust, and puts an end to the pollution and emission of waste oil and waste gas.

In the traditional oil vacuum system (2x type rotary vane vacuum pump), the energy utilization rate is generally low, especially the oil diffusion pump of oil booster pump, which is "electric tiger". It is against this background that the molecular pump can be widely used, and it has the potential to replace the traditional diffusion pump in the area below φ 400mm. For the same pump with diameter of 250mm, the power of diffusion pump is five times larger than that of molecular pump, which shows that the energy is wasted greatly. In the long run, the market space with oil vacuum system is bound to be narrower and narrower.

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