
water ring vacuum pump routine maintenance

water ring vacuum pump routine maintenance

The service life of the water ring vacuum pump is not only related to the quality of the pump itself, but also to its daily management. Therefore, it is necessary to manage and maintain the water ring pump regularly. So, what is the daily management of water ring vacuum pump?

1. Regular cleaning and oil change: kerosene or straight run gasoline shall be used to clean the water ring vacuum pump. After cleaning, all parts shall be dried, dried in the air or blown by a blower. When changing oil, 100 × or 1 × clean vacuum pump oil shall be selected. If other oil is used instead, the vacuum degree of the pump will be seriously affected.

2. Before starting the pump, check whether the rotation direction of the motor is correct, whether the lubrication system is reliable and whether the oil volume is appropriate.

3. During daily operation, ensure that the oil temperature is not more than 75 ℃, and there is not too much noise and vibration, otherwise, shut down for maintenance.

4. The connecting pipeline between the pump and the user system shall be mainly short and thick, and elbows shall be minimized. If there are elbows, all joints shall be strictly sealed to ensure no air leakage.

5. When stopping the pump, first close the valve connecting the vacuum system and open the vent valve to prevent the pump oil from being sucked back into the vacuum system, and then cut off the power supply of the motor.

The long-term and efficient use of water ring vacuum pump is inseparable from our careful management and maintenance. When we use water ring vacuum pump everyday, we should do the above points well, so that the pump can be efficiently used in industrial production.

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