
Advantages of steam treatment device in vacuum system

Advantages of steam treatment device in vacuum system

In the process of vacuum drying of electrical products, such as transformers, transformers, capacitors, etc., it is required that the vacuum system can pump out a large number of water vapor and solvents in a certain pressure range, and at the end of drying, it must reach a lower limit pressure.

For example, for a medium-sized transformer, the moisture content of the insulating material is as high as 400-500kg, and the whole drying cycle is 70h. Under the inlet pressure of 45mbar, the vacuum system is required to pump 90% - 95% of the moisture content within 48h, that is, the capacity of pumping steam per hour is about 15kg, and it still recovers to the original limit pressure of 10-2mbar after drying.

I. principle of steam treatment device

In the vacuum state, when the temperature of water or steam is higher than the boiling point, they enter the pump cavity in the state of gas.

The slide pump itself is a heating source, and the liquid ring pump provides a low pressure for the separator of the slide pump, so the water or other steam discharged to the separator is also in a vacuum state, and the temperature is high enough to keep them in a gas state, and any tiny liquid drop will be evaporated in the separator.

The water or other steam discharged to the liquid ring pump becomes part of the sealing liquid after being condensed due to the low temperature in the liquid ring pump.

In order to prevent the steam from being condensed in the pump, the oil temperature of the pump must be high enough, generally set in the range of 60-75, and the oil temperature higher than 80 will cause the vacuum pump oil to be oxidized. The required oil temperature can be controlled by automatically adjusting the cooling water entering the slide pump.

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