
How to use mechanical rotary vane vacuum pump

How to use mechanical rotary vane vacuum pump

(1) mechanical vacuum pump shall not pump corrosive gas, chemical reaction with pump oil or gas containing particle dust, nor directly pump condensable steam. If it is necessary to pump these gases, it is necessary to connect absorption bottle or cold well to absorb these gases before the pump inlet. The cold trap is a kind of cooling trap set up in the gas channel. It makes some condensable vapor in the gas condense into liquid. The cold trap is placed in the Dewar bottle. The old refrigerant in the Dewar bottle. When the temperature of the extracted gas is 40 ℃, the gas shall be cooled to room temperature in advance.

(2) check that the oil level must be above the oil standard center line. Start up intermittently when starting to extract gas. Observe whether the operation direction is correct.

(3) when stopping the operation of the vacuum pump, close the valve to the vacuum system first, so that the vacuum pump can be opened to the atmosphere, so as to prevent the vacuum pump from being closed under the condition of opening the vacuum system, so that the vacuum oil can be poured into the vacuum pipeline and vacuum system from the vacuum pump. When connecting the system device, a valve connecting the atmosphere shall be connected at the inlet of the vacuum pump. If the pump stops working suddenly or the power is cut off suddenly, the vacuum system shall be closed immediately and the vacuum pump shall be connected to the atmosphere.

