
Vacuum system details

Vacuum system details

Many places can't do without the use of vacuum pump unit, but in use, some places are easy to be ignored. In order to prevent unnecessary losses to users during use, we need to understand: where is easy to be ignored when using vacuum pump unit?

Generally, the head of the vacuum pump is very high. For the centrifugal water ring vacuum pump, after determining the model, the power consumption is proportional to the actual flow of the pump. The flow will also decrease with the increase of the head, such as high head, small flow and small power consumption.

In order to prevent motor overload, vacuum pump unit will require the actual pumping head of vacuum pump, which can not be 60% lower than the calibrated head. Therefore, when the high head is used to pump water with too low head, the motor capacity overload will heat up, and in serious cases, the motor will burn down. In case of emergency use, a gate valve shall be connected to the water outlet pipe to regulate the water output, so as to reduce the flow and prevent the motor overload.

It should be noted that if the motor heats up and the motor is too hot, it is necessary to turn off the water outlet flow or shut down in time. Many people will misunderstand this. Some operators will think that blocking the water outlet and forcibly reducing its flow can increase the motor load. This is not the case at all. Therefore, when using the vacuum pump unit, the problem of motor temperature rise should be solved in time.

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Water ring vacuum pump

