
Maintenance of screw vacuum pump head

The operation load of screw vacuum pump head increases, which is harmful to the main motor and electrical system. The possible strong friction between the screw of screw vacuum pump head, between the screw and the front and rear end face, and between the screw and the main engine shell will make the operation load of the main engine increase rapidly. In addition, the running load of the bearing with severe wear is also very large. In this way, the motor will be in overload state, which will seriously endanger the safe operation of the motor. If the situation is serious, if the screw vacuum pump unit's electrical protection device is insensitive or invalid, it may also lead to motor burnout. 

The exhaust volume of the vacuum pump will be greatly attenuated, and the increase of the matching clearance of the screw vacuum pump head will lead to the serious decrease of the main engine efficiency, that is, the exhaust volume of the screw vacuum pump will have a large attenuation, which will have a certain impact on the normal production of gas users. Especially for those users with less surplus of screw vacuum pump discharge configuration, due to the attenuation of vacuum pump discharge, the compressed air pressure of pipe network will be reduced a lot under the condition of relatively stable gas consumption of gas system, and the noise of the unit will increase and the temperature will rise, which may cause the equipment of gas consumption system to fail to work normally or can not work at all, thus affecting the normal operation of the unit Production or lead to temporary suspension of production, which brings losses to the enterprise.

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