
Working principle of vertical centrifugal pump

The main control parameters of vertical centrifugal pump are flow rate Q, head h, efficiency η, power, speed n, working pressure and required cavitation allowance (NPSH). Suitable for transportation of clean liquids with low viscosity. According to the number of working impellers, it can be divided into single-stage pump and multi-stage vertical centrifugal pump.

The vertical centrifugal pump mainly relies on the rotating impeller to transfer the mechanical energy of the prime mover to the liquid. Because of its role, the liquid in the impeller inlet flow to the outlet process, so that the liquid speed and pressure can be increased. As the liquid passes through the press out chamber, most of the velocity energy is converted into pressure energy and then transported out of the discharge line. At this time, the impeller inlet because of the liquid discharge and produce vacuum or low pressure phenomenon, in the suction pool liquid under the action of atmospheric pressure, is transported to the wheel inlet, so the rotating impeller will form a cycle, constantly inhale and discharge liquid.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Power supply mode of water ring vacuum pump

The working progress of water ring vacuum pump has a certain relationship with its power supply mode, so we need to know its power supply mode. It doesn't matter how much you know about its power supply mode. But the following describes its power supply mode.

1. Water ring vacuum pump because the medium extracted is "water or liquid", the specific gravity is large; while the working medium of micro vacuum pump and micro air pump is "gas", the specific gravity is relatively light; therefore, the working current of vacuum pump is generally larger than the latter, about 1 ~ 10 amperes, while the working current of the latter is generally small, ranging from hundreds of Ma to several amperes.

2, battery is the general term of battery, because principle and dry battery, can provide larger current and power, widely used in electric vehicles, cars and other mobile vehicles, agricultural spraying spray, field sampling and other occasions where there is no power supply.

3. The commonly used dry batteries (such as 1, 5V batteries) have large internal resistance, and the current provided by them is small, and a large part of the voltage is consumed on the internal resistance. Therefore, the voltage drops rapidly. Considering the power and service time, it is suitable for the water supply ring vacuum pump.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump 

Application of pipeline pump in different fields

Because the inlet and outlet of the pipeline pump is in a straight line, and its caliber is the same, it can be installed in any position of the pipeline, so it is named pipeline pump. Today we talk about its use.

1. It is suitable for pressurized water supply in high-rise buildings, sprinkler irrigation in gardens, water supply to cooling tower, and pressurization of cold and warm water circulation equipment.

2. In heating, boiler and other industries, it is used for high temperature hot water pressurization cycle.

3. In food, pharmaceutical, wine making, chemical industry and other industries, it is used to transport corrosive media.

The above is the use of pipeline pump in different fields, I hope to help you.

Claw Vacuum Pump In Aromatics Extraction

Vacuum Pump Accessories KF, ISO, NW, CF How To Distinguish

Claw Vacuum Pump Application

Combination of vacuum pump units in semiconductor industry

In semiconductor industry, roots vacuum pump and dry pump are used in vacuum unit. On the one hand, it can reduce the size of dry pump, on the other hand, it can obtain larger pumping speed in medium vacuum range.

Because the bearings and synchronous gears of Roots vacuum pump need to be lubricated, the lubricating oil will pollute the vacuum process. The solution is to connect a section of vacuum pipeline on the end cover of the gearbox, and use another auxiliary vacuum pump to pump the pressure in the gearbox lower than the inlet pressure of roots pump, as shown in Fig. 1.

In this way, under this pressure gradient, the oil vapor in the gearbox will not enter the pump cavity through the labyrinth shaft seal and cause pollution. In addition, when roots vacuum pump removes harmful gas, the seal of motor drive shaft must not leak, so shielding motor roots pump appears, which does achieve zero leakage.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Vacuum pump for coal industry

Coalbed methane is generally adsorbed on the coal seam, which has to go through three production processes: drainage, depressurization and gas production. The vacuum pumps used in coal mines are from SZ series of Soviet Union to SK Series independently developed by our country, and then to the leading position today. 2be series water ring vacuum pumps adopt the most advanced foreign technology, and each change is toward the direction of energy saving and reliability. For example, the SZ-4 vacuum pump in the 1960s and 1970s had a maximum gas volume of 1700m3 / h, and its efficiency was only 20% - 30%. Sk-85a, the largest in the 1980s, had a gas volume of 5100m3 / h and an efficiency of 30% - 40%. However, the 2BE3 series water ring vacuum pump / compressor with foreign advanced technology, developed and produced through joint venture and cooperation, has a gas volume of 60000m3 / h, an efficiency of 45% - 60% or more, and operates more effectively Reliable.

Safety, complete set, automation and high reliability are the basic requirements for vacuum pump in coal industry. Traditionally, vacuum pumps are mainly used by equipment manufacturers, such as pre separators, anti backfire devices, gas separators, electric control, sensors, instruments, etc. are configured by the coal mining enterprises themselves. This not only reflects the low degree of complete set, but also leads to the low efficiency of main equipment due to the incongruity of configuration, and even the equipment can not work normally due to professional differences Make.

Therefore, complete equipment is the development direction of vacuum equipment in coal industry. In the coal industry, the vacuum pump, whether used for gas drainage, transportation, coal washing, chemical industry, drying and well production, has a unique use environment. However, China's coal mines are widely distributed, with different climatic and geographical conditions. In view of these particularities, providing personalized vacuum equipment is also the direction of product development in vacuum equipment manufacturing industry. Vacuum industry manufacturers are committed to the research and development of safety, energy saving, environmental protection, chemical and other equipment in China's coal industry, and have developed a set of mechanical, electrical and instrument integrated vacuum unit, equipped with complete steam water separator, circulating heat exchanger, online measurement and control instrument, automatic control system, valve components, etc.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump 

Vacuum pump in biogas slag suction car

When the vacuum pump draws air from the tank and reaches a certain negative pressure for slag suction, the back-end valve is usually closed first, and then the vacuum pump is stopped. At this time, there is still a certain degree of vacuum in the tank, and the mechanical oil will be sucked into the tank (visible through the steel wire hose for connection).

When the vacuum pump inflates and pressurizes the tank, due to the vehicle running on the field, there must be a shift demand. However, the pump will stop when the clutch is pressed. If the vacuum pump stops running, a large amount of mechanical oil will be sprayed outside.

As the rotary vane vacuum pump needs a certain amount of mechanical oil lubrication and sealing, and the existence of the above two phenomena will lead to the loss of more than 1L of stored mechanical oil, which needs continuous replenishment by operators. In this way, it not only causes great waste of manpower and material resources, but also reduces the work efficiency, even damages the parts of vacuum pump, and also causes certain pollution, which seriously restricts this kind of vehicle To promote the use of.

In order to overcome the above problems, some enterprises use the method of refitting "air compressor" instead of "vacuum pump", but the production cost is greatly increased, and the air compressor body is too large, and the layout is difficult.

Bipolar Series Roots Blower

Roots Vacuum Unit Selection Notes

Roots Blower For Petrochemical 


Basic requirements of vacuum system

Vacuum system refers to a device which can meet the requirements of a certain degree of vacuum by connecting vacuum pump, vacuum gauge and various parts in a proper way through pipes. What are the basic requirements of vacuum system?

Obtain the required limit vacuum and working vacuum in the device or working chamber. The limiting vacuum degree refers to the vacuum degree reached by the device when there is no leakage gas, and the working vacuum refers to the vacuum degree that can be maintained during the vacuum treatment of the device. A large amount of gas will be released during vacuum treatment, and the working vacuum will be significantly lower than the limit vacuum degree. The limiting vacuum degree and the working vacuum degree have their own importance, and they affect the device quality from different aspects.

For example, in the exhaust vacuum system with oxide cathode devices, a large amount of gas will be emitted from the degassing and cathode decomposition of 10-2 electrodes. If the working vacuum is poor, the electrode may be oxidized and the cathode activation is not good. However, when the device is finally sealed off, there is basically no leakage gas. The vacuum degree in the device depends on the limit vacuum degree of the exhaust vacuum system.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

How to deal with the leakage rate of water ring vacuum pump

With the development of vacuum industry, water ring vacuum pump has been widely used. In use, the most troublesome problem for users is to detect the leakage rate of water ring vacuum pump. And its internal leakage and external leakage, external leakage is better detection, internal leakage is more difficult to do.

1. The internal leakage mostly occurs on the equipment with water-cooled jacket, and no doubt is found in the external leakage inspection. However, the following phenomena are found: the pumping speed of mechanical pump is obviously low, the indication value of vacuum gauge is low, the oil of mechanical pump is quickly emulsified, and the iron-based parts in vacuum chamber are obviously rusted. If the above conditions are met, internal leakage can be determined. First clean up the inner wall, and then pass on cooling water to see if there are wet points. The wet part is the leakage point.

2. Small leakage and micro leakage are more difficult to check. The common method is to use the ionization tube sensitive to some gases under high vacuum state to detect leakage, such as acetone or ethanol. Use a medical syringe to spray acetone or ethanol to suspicious places. When spraying to the leakage point, the pointer of the ionization meter will swing obviously. In this way, it is necessary to be patient and wait until the indication value of the ionization meter is stable, that is, the suction capacity and leakage rate of the vacuum unit are balanced, and then spray. It is best to repeat several times to confirm the leakage.

3. For larger leakage points, flame method can be used. Based on the principle that air flow can make flame deviate, vacuum is pumped first. For example, if a candle or a lighter is used to search the suspicious point step by step, and the flame will be found to shift to the leakage point, then the leakage point can be found.

4. Can choose stainless steel water ring vacuum pump, its corrosion resistance is strong, generally correct use will not appear this kind of situation

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump 

Various vacuum valves

Vacuum valves mainly include vacuum ball valve, vacuum butterfly valve, vacuum diaphragm valve, vacuum gate valve and vacuum stop valve. The types of vacuum valves are different, and the applicable occasions are also different. The following describes the characteristics and common areas of valves of different types such as gate valve, globe valve, butterfly valve and ball valve. Finally, according to the different use requirements, how to select the valve, such as according to the prevention of backflow of medium, according to the adjustment of medium parameters to select the valve.

The vacuum gate valve is used as a cut-off medium. When it is fully open, the whole flow is straight through, and the pressure loss of medium operation is the minimum. Gate valve is usually suitable for the condition that it is not necessary to open and close frequently and keep the gate fully open or closed. Not suitable for regulating or throttling. For the high-speed flow medium, when the gate is partially opened, it can cause the gate vibration, and the vibration may damage the sealing surface of the gate and the valve seat, and throttling will make the gate suffer from the erosion of the medium.

From the structural form, the main difference is the form of sealing elements used. According to the form of sealing elements, gate valves are often divided into several types, such as wedge gate valve, parallel gate valve, parallel double gate valve, wedge double gate valve, etc. The most common forms are wedge gate valve and parallel gate valve.

Optical Coating Vacuum Chamber

Resistance Vacuum Gauge Composition And Working Principle

Stainless Steel Vacuum Chamber


Micro air pump for quick release of objects

The essence of vacuum adsorption of micro vacuum pump: after the micro vacuum pump is powered on, the pressure difference between the negative pressure generated at the suction port and the external atmospheric pressure is used to firmly absorb the object through the contact elements such as suction cup, so as to play the role of hanging, fixing and moving objects.

The next process of vacuum adsorption is the release of the object after being absorbed. When it is necessary to release the absorbed object, the pump must be shut down first, and do not continue to vacuum. After the pump is shut down, the object may not fall off immediately, because the pump has a certain pressure holding capacity, and the vacuum will continue to maintain for a certain period of time (the length of time depends on the air leakage of the system).

At present, the micro air pump, micro vacuum pump and so on, including domestic micro air pump, micro vacuum pump and most of foreign micro air pump and micro vacuum pump, because of the internal process principle and other reasons, only one-way flow of gas from the air inlet to the exhaust port is allowed, and vice versa. It is not simple to reverse the motor can change the direction of the air flow, to meet the requirements of the release object.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Detailed introduction of magnetic pump

Based on the centrifugal pump, magnetic drive pump is a new type of centrifugal chemical process pump, which uses magnetic coupling to realize the non-contact transmission of torque, no shaft seal, full seal, no leakage, corrosion resistance and pollution-free.

Magnetic pump is a kind of leakage free fluid conveying machinery without dynamic seal. The centrifugal pump in vane pump is mainly designed. It is usually composed of pump body, isolation sleeve and connecting parts, which can bear the pressure. There is a rotating permanent magnetic field outside the sealing cavity, and through the action of the magnetic field, the magnetic rotor parts inside the sealing cavity rotate synchronously, and the rotor parts inside the sealing cavity drive the impeller to work on the fluid. Since there is no dynamic seal in the shielding seal cavity composed of stator components, and the rotating shaft driving the impeller to do work does not pass through the shielding seal cavity, thus ensuring zero leakage and no pollution of the magnetic pump.

Magnetic drive pump (hereinafter referred to as magnetic pump) is usually composed of electric motor, strong coupling device and centrifugal pump. Its main feature is that the magnetic coupling device is used to transfer power. When the motor drives the external magnetic rotor of the magnetic coupling device to rotate, the magnetic line of force passes through the gap and isolation sleeve, acting on the inner magnetic rotor, so that the pump rotor and the motor rotate synchronously, and the torque is transmitted without mechanical contact Because the liquid is enclosed in a static isolation sleeve, there is no dynamic seal, so there is no leakage.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Oil lubricated screw vacuum pump

Oil lubricated screw vacuum pump is a series of new intelligent and efficient vacuum pumps, and is connected with variable speed drive (VSD). "Plug and play" is designed on the basis of these principles. Oil lubricated screw vacuum pump, vacuum is provided by engineers under the maximum working pressure performance, the most common in industrial applications.

Ultra low back pressure, low power consumption; at about 50 %The combination of reduced energy consumption, technology leadership, variable speed drive and innovative design provides a significant increase in engine efficiency and a reduction in life cycle costs compared to dry rotary vane vacuum pump lubricants; quiet running noise level data correspond to approximately half of the technology; due to the sustainable development of productivity, comprehensive efficiency is achieved. Reduce the impact on the environment due to the very high oil kept at all working pressures at the maximum pressure from atmospheric pressure;

Roots And Dry Screw Vacuum System In Oil Deacidification

Vacuum Butterfly Valve In Vacuum Valve

Roots Vacuum Pump Bearing


Simulation calculation of cavity clearance in twin screw vacuum pump

The temperature field distribution and deformation of the two rotors are obtained by loading the first and third kinds of thermal boundary conditions, as well as the force and displacement boundary conditions. The results show that the radial deformation of the rotor is different among different stages. Therefore, this paper makes detailed requirements for the clearance in the vacuum pump cavity, and carries out calculation. The calculation results provide a theoretical basis for the determination of the cavity clearance of the twin screw vacuum pump.

In the working process of screw vacuum pump, the rotor will have thermal deformation, so appropriate clearance should be reserved in the rotor manufacturing process. If the clearance is too small, the deformation is easy to cause the rotor to get stuck; if the clearance is too large, the screw vacuum pump cannot obtain a higher vacuum degree. Therefore, the calculation of clearance is very important. At present, most of the related literature at home and abroad is focused on screw compressor, and relatively few literatures about screw vacuum pump have not made specific calculation on the clearance.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Solution to water inflow in buffer tank of imported vacuum pump

Some customers are worried about the problem of water entering into the buffer tank of vacuum pump when using the vacuum pump. The following is how to deal with the water entering into the buffer tank of vacuum pump.

1. First of all, find out the reason why the buffer tank of the imported vacuum pump enters the water: generally, when using the vacuum, the valve opening is large and the vacuum degree is high, resulting in the water (or a large amount of steam) being pumped into the buffer tank, and then the water enters;

2. The solution is: open the outlet valve at the bottom of the buffer tank of the imported vacuum pump to drain water. In general, a small part of water should be left in the buffer tank to test the sealing of the bottom of the buffer tank. Haokaide vacuum pump mainly uses water to seal to ensure the source of water. There is no problem with the vacuum degree and the water quality must be good. Otherwise, the pump body will be scaling, and the impellers of suction and exhaust channels will be smaller and smaller, which will affect the vacuum degree. It will be OK to do these points well.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

High frequency discharge in vacuum system is described

Do you know about high frequency discharge in vacuum system? If you don't know much about it, what is the high frequency discharge in vacuum system. High frequency discharge refers to the phenomenon of gas discharge when the frequency of power supply is more than 1 MHz. High frequency discharge can produce stable large volume plasma, so it is the most commonly used discharge form in plasma film-forming and etching technology.

The power frequency of high frequency discharge in vacuum system is usually 13.56 MHz. This is because in order to prevent the interference of high frequency electromagnetic wave radiation energy on communication, the frequency range for industrial use is specified by the international telecommunication authority, including the frequency of 13.56 MHz. However, due to the nonlinear effect of glow discharge, many harmonics of fundamental frequency appear in the discharge circuit, and the high-order frequency waves affecting communication are still emitted from the discharge circuit. The energy of these harmonic radiation in the circuit is much smaller than that of the fundamental frequency wave.

Difference Between SK Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump And 2BV Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

How To Change Oil Of Roots Vacuum Pump

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps For De-Oxygen Membrane System


Development trend of various vacuum pumps

At present, traditional vacuum pumps are still the main vacuum pumps in China, mainly rotary vane vacuum pumps, water ring vacuum pumps, slide valve vacuum pumps, roots vacuum pumps, etc., and all of them are used in traditional industries. The vacuum pumps produced in China are less than 1% for electronic information industry, which is far away from Japan, Europe and the United States.

Most of the dry pumps produced in China are used in laboratory, chemistry, medicine and other fields, but few are used in semiconductor industry. The rapid development of electronic information industry in China has no useful impact on the development of domestic dry vacuum pump, but it has become the expansion of developed countries in vacuum industry in the world.

Dry vacuum pump is the development direction of vacuum acquisition equipment, and also the "top" skill of vacuum acquisition method. It is necessary for China's vacuum pump industry to make a difference in this field, mainly into food, chemical, pharmaceutical and other professions. Through the training and training of these shopping malls, we can enter the semi semiconductor profession. Only in this way can the whole profession keep pace with the times. At present, a series of molecular pumps should be developed in China, such as low-temperature molecular pumps, composite molecular pumps and so on.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Roots vacuum pump as booster pump

As one of the vacuum pump series, roots vacuum pump is widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. As a booster pump, roots vacuum pump is one of the main products of our company, and its wide range of application is favored by customers.

The pressure of hydraulic system of Roots vacuum pump is not adjusted properly, resulting in system heating. Roots vacuum pump hydraulic system is generally high pressure and large flow system. The introduction of Roots vacuum pump into PLC greatly improves the reliability of electrical system. At the same time, the pressure of Roots vacuum pump and the working conditions of each system should be observed. After all systems work normally, the roots vacuum pump can be pumped continuously as much as possible. The piston of concrete cylinder should be kept running at the maximum stroke, so as to give full play to the maximum efficiency of Roots vacuum pump and make the concrete cylinder wear evenly in the length direction The pressure is too high and unstable, and the oil temperature rises. In case of pipe crown vibration and pumping difficulties, it is not allowed to pump by force, but the causes should be found out immediately to eliminate them. From the investigation of the use of fine aggregate concrete pump, it is found that the temperature of the hydraulic system of many types of Roots vacuum pump can be as high as 60E after using for about 40min, and the thermal equilibrium temperature of the hydraulic system can be as high as 70E after using for about 2h, while the normal thermal balance temperature of the hydraulic system of Roots vacuum pump should be about 50E. Therefore, the oil temperature of Roots vacuum pump hydraulic system is too high, that is heating problem.

In Roots vacuum pump hydraulic system, due to the performance requirements, the system is often equipped with safety valve, overflow valve and sequence valve. If the pressure of the safety valve is adjusted too low, the safety valve will open frequently, resulting in overflow loss and system heating; if the pressure is adjusted too high, the leakage in the system will increase and the system will heat up. Therefore, the safety valve and pressure value should be calculated and adjusted correctly according to the load requirements of the hydraulic system, so as to ensure that the system works within the specified pressure range. The elbow of the delivery pipe can be knocked with a mallet first. Conical pipe and other parts, and slow pumping or reverse pump to prevent blockage. In hot summer, wet straw bags should be used to cover the pipeline to prevent the concrete from collapsing too fast and blocking the pipe during the pumping process. However, no matter what type of pump, its executive components are the same, including the main delivery cylinder, distribution valve swing cylinder and mixing motor, and the cylinder reversing is controlled by the on-off and travel switch (or proximity switch) of the corresponding solenoid valve.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Cleaning method of water ring vacuum pump cavity

The cleaning problem of water ring vacuum pump is an important aspect of water ring pump maintenance, because the water ring vacuum pump is used for a long time, it is inevitable to enter some dirty things in the pump cavity. With the increase of time, these dirt cover the inside of the pump cavity, which has a great adverse impact on the performance of the pump!

If you want to make the water ring vacuum pump use for a long time and keep its performance stable, the daily maintenance work is inevitable. Only by doing a good job of cleaning it can it work for us normally. The machine also needs to be taken care of, not only for the appearance of cleaning, but also for keeping the interior clean. Speaking of this, some may think that it is not enough to flush with water, in fact, only use it This method is not enough, because there may be scale or other substances in the vacuum pump which has been running for a long time. It is far from enough to use water only to clean the pump once.

How to clean the water ring vacuum pump correctly? Today I will teach you a simple and easy to learn method. Dilute nitric acid or other soluble substances, but do not use high purity ones, which will directly damage the internal components of the vacuum pump. Place it in the container for about an hour, and then wash it with water directly. If there is pressure, the effect will be achieved Will be better, such a cleaning step is not very simple, only regular maintenance of the pump, in order to extend its life.

Of course, cleaning the water ring vacuum pump is only one aspect. In daily maintenance, there are many components that need to be maintained by the user. For example, which part is seriously worn must be replaced, or it will directly affect the operation of the vacuum pump. If there is a problem in the pipeline, find out the cause of the leakage and repair it in time. All these works should be checked every day during the use As long as every detail is important, there will be big problems with the vacuum pump.

Oil Diffusion Pump Use And Maintenance

How To Choose Vacuum Pump For Vacuum Plasma Cleaning Machine

Ultra High Vacuum Oil Diffusion Pump


dry screw vacuum pump purification process

The purification and cleaning of screw vacuum pump is to remove the gas and compressed steam remaining in the dry screw vacuum pump during compression. When the dry screw vacuum pump is restarted, these residual materials may cause motor overload, which may produce excessive friction load or damage the screw or pump body. Therefore, in the case of a considerable amount of dirty substances in the pump, the pump should be cleaned.

The purpose of cooling and purification is to cool the pump body and screw. When the pump is running, the screw rotation makes the pumped gas enter the pump cavity and compress to the exhaust end. Due to the hot compression, the gas temperature will rise rapidly. In order to prevent the pump from being damaged, these heat must be eliminated immediately. For small screw vacuum pump, cooling purification is optional.

Air in the atmosphere is usually used as the cooling and purification medium. When the extracted process gas is not suitable for air purification, other cooling media, such as nitrogen, clean and dry air, should be used. For standard pumps, an interface is provided near the exhaust end of the pump body.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Energy saving device of rotary vane vacuum pump

The energy-saving control device of rotary vane vacuum pump includes rotary vane vacuum pump and asynchronous motor driven and connected with it, rotary vane vacuum pump connected with sealed container which needs vacuum pumping, vacuum measuring instrument, control device and AC voltage regulating device. The air pressure sensor connected to the vacuum measuring instrument is located in a sealed container, the electrical signal output end of the vacuum measuring instrument is connected with the control device, the control terminal of the control device is connected with the AC voltage regulating device connected with the power grid, and the output end of the AC voltage regulating device is connected with the asynchronous motor.

The vacuum measuring instrument receives the gas pressure signal in the sealed container transmitted by the pressure sensor, and sends it to the control device through transmission and amplification. The control device stores a program to adjust the voltage according to the gas pressure signal, and compares the received gas pressure signal with the set value. When the gas pressure of the extracted container is lower than the set value, it will send a step-down command to the AC pressure regulating device. According to the command of the control device, the AC voltage regulator supplies the voltage to the asynchronous motor when the gas pressure decreases, so as to reduce the energy consumption. The vacuum measuring instrument is equipped with a gas pressure indicator, which can display the current gas pressure in the sealed container.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Main characteristics of vacuum drying in vacuum system

Vacuum system is widely used in vacuum drying process. At present, vacuum drying equipment is constantly updated with the development of modern mechanical manufacturing technology and electrical technology. The so-called vacuum drying is a drying method in which the material is placed under negative pressure and reaches the boiling point under negative pressure by heating properly or by cooling down to make the material solidify through the melting point. The boiling point of water in the material decreases with the increase of vacuum degree in the negative pressure state. At the same time, vacuum pump is used to dehumidify the water in the material to reduce the water vapor content, which makes the water and other solutions in the material get enough kinetic energy away from the material surface.

Due to the isolation of air under negative pressure, some materials which are easy to oxidize and other chemical changes during the drying process can keep their original characteristics better, and the materials can be better protected by injecting inert gas and vacuuming. The common vacuum drying equipment includes: vacuum drying oven, continuous vacuum drying equipment, etc.

The process of vacuum drying is to place the dried materials in the airtight drying chamber, and heat the dried materials continuously while vacuuming with the vacuum system, so that the moisture inside the materials diffuses to the surface through the pressure difference or concentration difference. The water molecules obtain enough kinetic energy on the surface of the materials, and escape to the low-pressure space of the vacuum chamber after overcoming the mutual attraction between the molecules The process of pumping with empty pump.

Corrosion Resistant Vacuum Pump Material

Roots Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter Element Maintenance

Roots Blower Reducing Noise Mthods


Composition of vacuum system

What are the main components of a complete vacuum system? There are many kinds of vacuum system equipment, but no matter which kind of vacuum application equipment, there is a set of exhaust system to sweep the gas in the vacuum container, so as to obtain the vacuum condition in the vacuum container. For example, the container used for vacuum disposal is connected to the vacuum pump through pipes and valves. When the vacuum pump empties the container, there is a vacuum measuring device on the container, which constitutes a simple vacuum pump system.

A simple vacuum system can only obtain vacuum in a low vacuum scale in a pumping vessel. When high vacuum scale vacuum is needed, high vacuum pump is usually connected with vacuum system in series. When the high vacuum pump is connected in series, the valve is usually added at the outlet and outlet of the valve.

High vacuum pump to adhere to the vacuum. Assuming that the high vacuum pump in series is an oil dispersion pump, in order to prevent a lot of oil vapor flow back to the pumping container, a drain valve and water cooling baffle are added at the outlet of the oil dispersion pump. According to the requirements, dust remover, vacuum relay head, vacuum soft connection, exhaust valve at the outlet of vacuum pump can be used in the pipeline to form a more perfect high vacuum system.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Vacuum technology of imported vacuum pump in sand blasting machine

The principle of sand collection, lifting and transportation in sand blasting room is the vacuum technology of imported vacuum pump. The application of imported vacuum pump in sandblasting machine industry is essential. Sandblasting machine is the category of air conveying machinery. In the pipeline, compressed air is used to transport powdery particles (1 ~ 4mm in diameter) from one place to another. In the process of converting kinetic energy into potential energy, the high-speed moving sand particles scour the surface of the object, so as to improve the surface quality of the object.

In vacuum sand lifting, the sand is lifted into the sandblasting machine tank by the suction force of the imported vacuum pump, so as to replace the manual sand loading and sand transportation, reduce the opportunity of operators to contact silica dust, reduce the labor intensity and improve the productivity.

Firstly, start the imported vacuum pump to cause the vacuum in the buffer tank, so as to lift the sand to a certain height in the buffer tank, and then flow into the rotary screen from the buffer tank, and the qualified sand will automatically fall into the sand storage tank after screening.

The second step is to connect the vacuum to the sand blasting tank (a sand separation buffer tank is installed in the middle) to cause the vacuum in the sand blasting tank, so that the sand particles are lifted from the sand storage tank to the sand blasting tank to complete the lifting and transportation of sand particles.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Screw vacuum pump in metal smelting

As we all know, in the metallurgical industry, high vacuum smelting is widely used for production or processing, especially in some high-end fields, the requirements of impurity content, oxygen, nitrogen and even hydrogen content of products are extremely strict, so high standards and requirements of vacuum system are required.

For example, vacuum distillation (the more advanced vacuum unit composed of dry screw vacuum pump and roots vacuum pump): in the distillation tank with vacuum degree higher than 1.3 PA, the reduction product is heated at 900-950 ° for a long time, and magnesium and magnesium chloride can volatilize and condense on the condenser.

This is mainly because of the following points:

1: It can greatly reduce the boiling point of the reduced product and make it easier to volatilize.

2: It can greatly increase the volatilization rate. The volatilization rates of different substances vary greatly under different vacuum degrees.

3: Prevent the production of Ti-Fe alloy or other compounds from affecting the product quality.

Roots Blower Bearing Damage Reasons

Roots Blower Housing

How To Replace The Vacuum Pump Oil Mist Separator

Development of rotary vane vacuum pump

Because of its unique working principle and irreplaceable functional characteristics, vacuum pump has a very wide range of applications in the field of engineering industry. In the fields of precision electronics, engineering machinery, chemical agriculture and other industries, different types and specifications of vacuum pumps play an important role in improving the efficiency and efficiency of economic production. Among various types of vacuum pumps, rotary vane vacuum pump is the most widely used in the industrial field. It is one of the most important types of vacuum pumps, and also the most rapid development of functional structure of vacuum pumps.

With the continuous progress of the technological performance of rotary vane vacuum pump, industrial robots, microelectronics, computers, intelligent and image sensing technology are widely used in the pump production system. In the future market, the R & D and manufacturing of rotary vane vacuum pump will develop in the direction of high speed, multi-function and intelligent control. Automation and integration will become the future rotary vane vacuum pump Exhibition direction.

In order to meet the market demand, domestic enterprises in vacuum pump equipment industry should pay more attention to the integration and automation of vacuum pump production. In the production of vacuum pump equipment, we should pay attention to the function switching design of rotary vane vacuum pump equipment, improve the integrated function of rotary vane vacuum pump, and make it have better functional applicability.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Roots vacuum pump unit will be widely used

With the continuous development of economy, roots vacuum pump unit also develops very fast, and because of its rapid development, vacuum pump factory thinks roots vacuum pump unit should be widely promoted and applied in China. Today, let's learn about the development of Roots vacuum pump unit.

1、 At present, almost all large or small high vacuum and medium vacuum systems at home and abroad are equipped with roots pumps in order to shorten the pumping time and improve the production efficiency. Therefore, the domestic roots vacuum pump must try to enter the international market on the basis of occupying the domestic market. In this way, we must further reduce the vibration and noise of the roots pump, thoroughly solve the problem of shaft seal oil leakage, and improve the pump The appearance quality of the pump can improve the smoothness and cleanliness of the pump;

2、 The sales of Roots vacuum pump units account for no more than 5% of the global sales volume of Roots pumps. The total sales volume of these five pumps is only 20%. The output of Roots pumps is not large, but the price of overseas Roots pumps (roots vacuum pump units) is much higher than that of domestic pumps;

3、 In order to meet the requirements of different limit vacuum degree, this kind of pump can be used in series. Generally, an air-cooled Roots pump is added in front of Roots vacuum pump unit, and the ultimate vacuum is one order of magnitude higher than that of the previous stage pump. Because there is no working medium in the pump cavity, this kind of pump is also a dry pump. At present, this kind of air-cooled direct exhaust air roots pump and its unit have been tested in petroleum, chemical, plastic, pesticide, steam turbine rotor dynamic balance, aerospace space simulation and other devices for a long time. Therefore, roots vacuum pump unit should be vigorously promoted and applied in China.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Assembly clearance of vacuum pump

The fitting tolerance between parts is a very important parameter, which directly affects the performance of vacuum pump. The accuracy of the parts has been analyzed before and the rough bottom will appear if the fitting is not good. For example, there is a 2X-4 rotary vane vacuum pump. The user always thinks that the vacuum degree is not high. It is found that it runs normally without air leakage or oil leakage, the noise is not obvious, and the temperature rise is not serious, but the vacuum degree is only 20 grids (about 8 * 10-2 Torr). The experience of the vacuum pump factory has proved that the vacuum pump oil is too dirty, there is moisture in the oil, the wrong oil is used, the parts in the cavity are worn, and the clearance between parts is too large.

When repairing, the oil can be changed first because this method is the most convenient and effective method. Often some of the pump vacuum is not high, change the oil to solve. If the oil is not changed, the next step is to replace the oil for cleaning. The vacuum degree of the 2x-15 type pump is still 20 gauge after oil change, so it is decided to take it apart for inspection. After cleaning, measure the cavity size of parts and components, and find that the end clearance is 4-5 wires and partial shot. However, considering this kind of clearance, as long as the oil circuit is adjusted properly, pengyou can be installed, but it is still 20 gauge. When it is disassembled for the second time, check the out of perpendicularity (should be no more than half wire, i.e. Q005 mm). If it is found that it is not good, it is sent to the surface grinder to grind 2-3 wires from the cavity gamma surface, so that the fit gap between the rotary blade and the end cover of the cavity is less than 2-3 wires, and the non perpendicularity is qualified. In this way, after re assembly, the problem is solved. The vacuum degree reaches 70 grid ((about 1.5 * 10-2 Torr), which has met the production use.

Vacuum Flange Selection Guide

What Is The Electromagnetic Charge Pressure Difference Valve

Roots Blower For Calcium Carbonate Industry


Function of exhaust valve in rotary vane vacuum pump

The exhaust valve plate of rotary vane vacuum pump is made of rubber pad. The exhaust valve plate needs to be immersed in the pump oil. During the exhaust process of vacuum pump, compressed air pushes open the valve plate, and the gas passes through the valve plate and exhausts. The vacuum pump oil plays a sealing role. Generally speaking, the valve plate is used to block the small hole on the disc when the vacuum pump is working. If it is broken, the small eye of the vacuum pump will leak all the time when the vacuum pump is pumping, which will not achieve the effect, and the vacuum degree will be reduced.

Some users don't like to install the valve at the suction port of the vacuum pump. They think that the vacuum pump can work well without the valve. The exhaust valve is the working part in the pump. The negative pressure of the system makes the valve plate in a tight state all the time, so the valve plate is easy to be strained, so that the service life of the pump is greatly reduced, and at the same time, the maintenance cost is not small. This problem can be avoided by installing a valve in the suction port.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Application performance of Roots vacuum pump

Based on the current overall application ability of Roots vacuum pump, on the basis of fully doing the actual performance of the product, we should promote the overall application ability of the product to a higher advantage development through the advantage of development. Under the premise of increasing the promotion of the basic ability of the product, we should take the development advantage of the product's technical performance as the overall driving force to provide effective ability On the basis of strength advantages, we should drive the overall development of roots pump, promote the continuous promotion of its superior performance, and do a good job in driving the application effect of products.

In order to speed up the development of Roots vacuum pump, in terms of the application effect of various aspects of the market, gradually improve the driving force of all aspects of the product application ability, increase the favorable promotion of the product applicability, expand the overall driving force of its functional development, play the promotion of various product capabilities with strong application advantages, and fully complete the overall application of basic products In the effect embodiment, through the continuous favorable promotion of its technology, the promotion of the product application ability can be brought into full play.

The performance expansion of Roots vacuum pump has a continuous promotion effect on the overall utilization rate of the product. In the process of increasing the application effect of the product, promoting the application performance of all aspects of the product with a greater development advantage will drive the actual promotion of the product application ability.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Tightness of vacuum pump unit

Many factors in the operation of the vacuum pump unit will affect the vacuum tightness. How much do you know about the tightness of the vacuum pump unit? Here is a detailed introduction:

The reasons that affect the vacuum tightness in operation are mainly manifested in the shaft seal pressure, the water level of the shaft seal heater and the secondary leakage of the shaft seal. Determine the best shaft seal pressure. If the pressure of the shaft seal is too large, the clearance is too small, and the shaft seal is too hot and too low; if the pressure of the shaft seal is too small, the gap is too large, and the steam leakage of the shaft seal is too large, which also affects the working efficiency of the vacuum pump unit.

In order to ensure the optimal shaft seal pressure of vacuum pump unit, the steam supply pressure of shaft seal formed by self sealing of shaft seal system under minimum stable combustion load and high load is 45kpa, which can meet the pressure of low-pressure seal shaft seal and reduce water inflow in oil as much as possible. Monitor the water level of the shaft seal heater, adjust it in time in case of any abnormality to ensure that the water level of the shaft heater is normal. Remove the shaft heater without water level or the water level is too low, resulting in the decrease of vacuum tightness。

High Vacuum Roots Rotary Vacuum System

Dry Vacuum Pump In Bulk Drug Industry

Three Blade Roots Blower And Two Blade Roots Blower Difference Between


Material of rotary vane vacuum pump

Data selection of rotary vane vacuum pump: in order to improve the pump speed, reduce wear and temperature, and ensure the normal performance of the pump, one of the key is how to properly select the stator and vane, which is the main friction pair data. Carbon impregnated alloy, a new type of self smoothing data, is commonly used in the rotary vane of direct coupled pump. Some domestic research institutes have also made comprehensive tests on other materials used as spin sheets. The results show that carbon fiber reinforced plastics and polymer liquid crystal data are of development value.

As the friction and wear between the vane and the stator of the high-speed direct coupled pump increases, the temperature rise of the pump increases. Therefore, improving the friction, wear and smoothness between the vane and the pump cavity is the key to develop a good performance direct coupled vane pump. Through the analysis and calculation of Elastohydrodynamic smoothing theory, it is found that the motion between the vane and the pump cavity is unreasonable, which makes the wear between the vane and the rotor and the pump chamber more serious, and it is difficult to find a suitable smooth condition, which leads to the increase of temperature rise of high-speed vane pump. The way to deal with the wear is to keep the length unchanged during the rotation. However, the current round pump cavity is impossible to do. In theory, an envelope line of stator pump cavity can be proposed, which is tangent to the outside of envelope circle on a series of axisymmetric curves. Of course, the processing technology of this kind of profile is more laborious than that of circular profile, but the extra cost can be compensated from the improvement of pump performance. Such a pump, vibration, noise, temperature rise, wear will be reduced a lot.

Rotor structure and rotor: through the calculation of the geometric pumping speed of the vane pump, it can be seen that when the pump speed has reached a certain high value, increasing the rotor can improve the pumping speed without increasing the rotor eccentricity and the maximum linear speed. Therefore, it is a promising way to improve pumping speed.

At present, the direct coupled pump used by domestic manufacturers adopts the structure of three slot integral rotor, which is equipped with three rotors. The integral rotor with three blades has high strength and rigidity, which can reduce the unbalance of rotor at high speed and reduce the impact load of rotor. The geometric pumping speed calculation shows that the pumping speed of the three slot rotor is 18-20% higher than that of the two slot rotor.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Development of water vacuum pump in electric power industry

The basic principles for the development of electric power industry are to improve energy efficiency, protect the ecological environment, develop hydropower in an orderly manner, optimize the development of coal-fired power, actively promote nuclear power generation, moderately develop natural gas power generation, encourage new energy power generation, and drive the technological progress of equipment industry.

China will also have an installed capacity of at least 130 million kilowatts, including 40 million kilowatts for hydropower, 60 million kilowatts for thermal power, 70 million kilowatts for nuclear power and 30 million kilowatts for others. During this period, there were more than 500 key projects with an investment of over 100 million yuan, with a total investment of 3 trillion yuan. Among them, there are 207 thermal power projects, 132 hydropower projects, 8 nuclear power projects, 82 wind power projects and 21 biomass power generation projects. Therefore, in the next few years, the power pump market is broad.

Of course, Zhonghuan vacuum pump thinks that the key requirement of electric power pump is to adopt various pipeline booster pumps with energy saving, high efficiency and environmental protection, especially the development of nuclear main pump, charging pump, reactor cooling pump, high pressure safety water injection pump, boric acid pump, nuclear first, second and third stage pump, supercritical and ultra supercritical thermal power unit pump, boiler feed water pump, booster pump, circulating pump, condensate pump and water ring Vacuum pump, centrifugal ash pump, reciprocating ash pump, coupling, metering pump, pump for cooling unit, flue gas desulfurization device and other pump products.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Roots vacuum pump product application fully reflected

Based on the current overall application ability of Roots vacuum pump, on the basis of fully doing the actual performance of the product, we should promote the overall application ability of the product to a higher advantage development through the advantage of development. Under the premise of increasing the promotion of the basic ability of the product, we should take the development advantage of the product's technical performance as the overall driving force to provide effective ability On the basis of strength advantages, we should drive the overall development of roots pump, promote the continuous promotion of its superior performance, and do a good job in driving the application effect of products.

In order to speed up the development of Roots vacuum pump, in terms of the application effect of various aspects of the market, gradually improve the driving force of all aspects of the product application ability, increase the favorable promotion of the product applicability, expand the overall driving force of its functional development, play the promotion of various product capabilities with strong application advantages, and fully complete the overall application of basic products In the effect embodiment, through the continuous favorable promotion of its technology, the promotion of the product application ability can be brought into full play.

The performance expansion of Roots vacuum pump has a continuous promotion effect on the overall utilization rate of the product. In the process of increasing the application effect of the product, promoting the application performance of all aspects of the product with a greater development advantage will drive the actual promotion of the product application ability.

Roots Vacuum Pump And Roots Blower Difference Between

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump In Sugar Making Process

Vacuum System For Vacuum Filling


vacuum unit design problems

Generally, roots vacuum pump unit must have four elements in the design: ① the size of the container to be pumped; ② the required working pressure; ③ the time required to reach the working pressure; ④ the nature and characteristics of the extracted gas. The selection of front stage pump of vacuum pump unit is closely related to the above four elements.

According to different uses, the common front stage pumps of Roots vacuum pump include rotary vane vacuum pump, slide valve vacuum pump, liquid ring vacuum pump (including water ring vacuum pump) and gas circulating cooling roots pump. The selection of the front stage pump should first consider the characteristics of the gas to be pumped and the working pressure that can be reached.

It is usually selected according to the following principles: 1. If the extracted gas has no particularity, is neither corrosive nor toxic, nor is it a gas with low steam pressure, such as clean air, the rotary vane vacuum pump should be considered as the first stage pump of the unit. Because the rotary vane vacuum pump has large compression ratio and wide working pressure range, the working pressure range of double-stage rotary vane vacuum pump is from atmosphere to 1 × 10-2 PA, and that of single-stage rotary vane vacuum pump is from atmosphere to 1 PA. Even if the single-stage rotary vane vacuum pump is used as the front stage pump of the first stage roots unit, its limit pressure can reach 1 × 10-1 PA. Due to the wide working pressure range of the unit, this kind of configuration has good economy and is widely used.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

How to save energy for Roots vacuum unit

The roots vacuum unit is used to replace the non energy-saving vacuum pump. After running for a period of time, the defects of W-type reciprocating vacuum pump and water ring vacuum pump are better solved, and the effect of power saving is very obvious.

In the process of energy conservation and emission reduction, new energy-saving products are actively selected to replace the original high-energy-consuming equipment. Roots vacuum unit can freely control the vacuum degree of the system by selectively opening and closing the motors of two vacuum pumps in series. The paper compares the economic benefits of Roots vacuum unit with that of SZ single water ring vacuum pump. If roots vacuum unit is used, 430000 kW of electricity can be saved in the whole year.

At present, there are mainly W-type horizontal reciprocating vacuum pump and water ring vacuum pump, but there are some defects in the use process. In the process of chemical process control, the requirements for vacuum degree tend to gradually increase from low to high with the reaction going on. The motor equipped with the above vacuum pump always works at rated power. If the pumping system is given a higher pumping rate at the beginning of the reaction, on the one hand, it will cause a large loss of organic solvents in the reaction system, on the other hand, it will make the operation difficult to control, The phenomenon of "punching material" often appears. If we want to get a lower vacuum degree in the initial stage of the reaction, we often open the vent valve on the vacuum buffer cylinder at a certain angle to solve this problem. Therefore, a large amount of air is inhaled by the vacuum pump on the production site, which results in the waste of electric energy.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Internal cooling of rotor of water ring vacuum pump

The rotor is one of the components of water ring vacuum pump, which promotes the rotation and is conducive to the high-speed operation of the pump. The purpose of cooling the inside of the pump is to improve the working efficiency of the pump?

1. When the water ring vacuum pump works under higher differential pressure, a more effective cooling method can be adopted, that is, the rotor is cooled by circulating oil, oil holes and oil diameter are respectively set at both ends of the pump shaft, and the shaft head is driven in, and then discharged from the other end through the inner wall of the rotor. In addition to cooling the rotor, the cooling oil also lubricates the gears and bearings. This kind of cooling effect is good. The rotor temperature of water ring vacuum pump is lower than the shell temperature when it is running, which is often used in large pumps.

2. The heavier the pump load is, the greater the clearance is. This is because the rotor is cooled by oil, and the temperature is lower than that of the shell. The larger the load, the more severe the expansion of the shell is, and the larger the shaft spacing is, so the gap will increase.

3. Because of the high load, the temperature difference between the rotor and the shell is increasing and the gap is increasing, which will increase the head counter current and cause the pumping speed of the water ring vacuum pump to decrease. In order to overcome this shortcoming, when the pump is working under high load, effective measures should be taken. Generally, the shell and rotor are cooled by oil circulation system at the same time.

Stainless Steel Vacuum Valve

Vacuum Pump With Oil Mist Filter

Roots Blower Melt Blown Cloth


Basic principle of Roots vacuum pump

Basic principle of Roots vacuum pump

Roots pump adopts internal cooling mode, the heat is directly taken away from the heat source by the circulating cooling air, that is, the extracted gas is cooled by the cooling air when it is compressed or discharged, so this pump can be used in the center where the standard pump can not work.

The pump cavity can be cooled by itself. Because the impeller and working chamber have a special working part, when this special part works, a part of the working chamber is closed, blocking the inlet and outlet. Through the special vent, the cooling gas flows out from the pressure side or enters the working chamber again, and then stops filling by the cooling gas with pressure from the outlet side, and the gas circulates in this way.

The special impeller head controls the movement of cold air without additional control elements. Therefore, this kind of inner circulation cooling roots pump is as simple and clean as ordinary roots pump. It connects the cooler and the exhaust port together, and the cooler is installed outside the pump shell, which is convenient for maintenance and replacement.

If the cooler is designed correctly, and the size of the cooling gas pipeline is large enough, the cooling effect is good, so the roots pump can work under various pressure differences.

Pump heating not only depends on the rotational speed, circulating cooling dose, but also on the pressure difference, which is proportional to the speed. In addition, the clearance between the pump blades and the pump shell should be kept at a minimum. This is conducive to the improvement of volumetric efficiency in order to obtain higher vacuum.

The gas circulating cooling roots pump is most suitable for the process of discharging and tightening the gas or steam. The discharged or compressed gas should not contact with oil or harmful liquid before entering the pump, such as nitrogen circulation in low temperature thermostat. If the pressure difference between inlet and outlet is very large and the limit vacuum degree is very high, three roots pumps can be considered to be used in series. In addition, there are also water cooling or multi-stage pumps.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Water ring vacuum pump unit

Water ring vacuum pump unit can be understood as water ring vacuum pump closed circulation system, water ring vacuum pump negative pressure station, roots water ring vacuum pump unit. In the eyes of broad users, these products are called water ring vacuum pump unit. The following is a brief introduction to the composition and function of each water ring vacuum pump unit:

Water ring vacuum pump closed circulation system: water ring vacuum pump closed cycle system is generally composed of water ring vacuum pump, steam water separator, heat exchanger, one-way valve, water supply solenoid valve, ball valve, pipeline, electric contact vacuum meter, control cabinet, rack, etc. its main function is to make the working fluid in the water ring vacuum pump circulating, which is commonly used in chemical industry and water resources comparison The lack of enterprises can use this water ring vacuum pump unit, so as to greatly reduce the sustainable application of water resources or chemical working fluid, thus reducing the enterprise cost.

Negative pressure station of water ring vacuum pump: the negative pressure station of water ring vacuum pump is generally composed of water ring vacuum pump, vacuum buffer tank, steam water separator, heat exchanger, one-way valve, water supply solenoid valve, ball valve, pipeline, control cabinet, vacuum meter, rack, etc. its main function is to store a certain negative pressure, stop negative pressure operation, ensure the timely supply of negative pressure, and also can In order to save water resources effectively, in some cases, water ring vacuum pump and vacuum buffer tank can be directly composed of water ring vacuum pump and vacuum buffer tank without water separator and heat exchanger. No matter what kind of water ring vacuum negative pressure station is, it can be equipped with electric contact vacuum meter and control cabinet to control the start and stop of vacuum pump by adjusting the upper and lower vacuum degree Water ring vacuum pump unit is widely used in medical industry, V-process casting and other industries.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump