
Basic requirements of vacuum system

Vacuum system refers to a device which can meet the requirements of a certain degree of vacuum by connecting vacuum pump, vacuum gauge and various parts in a proper way through pipes. What are the basic requirements of vacuum system?

Obtain the required limit vacuum and working vacuum in the device or working chamber. The limiting vacuum degree refers to the vacuum degree reached by the device when there is no leakage gas, and the working vacuum refers to the vacuum degree that can be maintained during the vacuum treatment of the device. A large amount of gas will be released during vacuum treatment, and the working vacuum will be significantly lower than the limit vacuum degree. The limiting vacuum degree and the working vacuum degree have their own importance, and they affect the device quality from different aspects.

For example, in the exhaust vacuum system with oxide cathode devices, a large amount of gas will be emitted from the degassing and cathode decomposition of 10-2 electrodes. If the working vacuum is poor, the electrode may be oxidized and the cathode activation is not good. However, when the device is finally sealed off, there is basically no leakage gas. The vacuum degree in the device depends on the limit vacuum degree of the exhaust vacuum system.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

