
Role of Roots vacuum pump in transportation and storage

(1) Temperature crude oil is always accompanied by low molecular weight methane, ethane, propane and other hydrocarbon gases and hydrogen sulfide gas, which must be removed before storage, transportation and distillation to stabilize the crude oil. At the same time, the components of aviation gasoline, especially their isomers (hydrocarbons with high seismic performance in the tender material) are recovered and utilized. In order to reduce the excessive loss of crude oil in the process of storage and transportation, stabilize the composition of crude oil and gasoline products, and not easy to change the composition of the distillate during storage, a large vacuum crude oil stabilization device has been established in some foreign oilfields. The crude oil is degassed at a vacuum of 310-350mmhg to stabilize the crude oil.

(2) Vacuum refrigeration In order to store propane and butane separated from crude oil easily in atmospheric sickle, deep freezing was used to liquefy it in the past, but at present, many foreign manufacturers use vacuum refrigeration to evaporate the frozen part of propane in vacuum, which can easily get a low temperature below - 48 ℃. Then propane and butane are stored at - 48 ℃ and - 10 ℃ respectively Liquefaction, tank storage or transportation.

(3) After the air discharged from the oil tank is not put into the storage tank through stable crude oil, a lot of losses will be caused when the oil tank "breathes" due to the volatilization of light components. If a vacuum device is used to empty the tank, liquefied petroleum gas (propane and butane) and liquefied natural gas (methane and ethane) can be removed and recycled.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

