
Working principle of vertical centrifugal pump

The main control parameters of vertical centrifugal pump are flow rate Q, head h, efficiency η, power, speed n, working pressure and required cavitation allowance (NPSH). Suitable for transportation of clean liquids with low viscosity. According to the number of working impellers, it can be divided into single-stage pump and multi-stage vertical centrifugal pump.

The vertical centrifugal pump mainly relies on the rotating impeller to transfer the mechanical energy of the prime mover to the liquid. Because of its role, the liquid in the impeller inlet flow to the outlet process, so that the liquid speed and pressure can be increased. As the liquid passes through the press out chamber, most of the velocity energy is converted into pressure energy and then transported out of the discharge line. At this time, the impeller inlet because of the liquid discharge and produce vacuum or low pressure phenomenon, in the suction pool liquid under the action of atmospheric pressure, is transported to the wheel inlet, so the rotating impeller will form a cycle, constantly inhale and discharge liquid.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

