
Development of rotary vane vacuum pump

Because of its unique working principle and irreplaceable functional characteristics, vacuum pump has a very wide range of applications in the field of engineering industry. In the fields of precision electronics, engineering machinery, chemical agriculture and other industries, different types and specifications of vacuum pumps play an important role in improving the efficiency and efficiency of economic production. Among various types of vacuum pumps, rotary vane vacuum pump is the most widely used in the industrial field. It is one of the most important types of vacuum pumps, and also the most rapid development of functional structure of vacuum pumps.

With the continuous progress of the technological performance of rotary vane vacuum pump, industrial robots, microelectronics, computers, intelligent and image sensing technology are widely used in the pump production system. In the future market, the R & D and manufacturing of rotary vane vacuum pump will develop in the direction of high speed, multi-function and intelligent control. Automation and integration will become the future rotary vane vacuum pump Exhibition direction.

In order to meet the market demand, domestic enterprises in vacuum pump equipment industry should pay more attention to the integration and automation of vacuum pump production. In the production of vacuum pump equipment, we should pay attention to the function switching design of rotary vane vacuum pump equipment, improve the integrated function of rotary vane vacuum pump, and make it have better functional applicability.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

