
Cleaning method of water ring vacuum pump cavity

The cleaning problem of water ring vacuum pump is an important aspect of water ring pump maintenance, because the water ring vacuum pump is used for a long time, it is inevitable to enter some dirty things in the pump cavity. With the increase of time, these dirt cover the inside of the pump cavity, which has a great adverse impact on the performance of the pump!

If you want to make the water ring vacuum pump use for a long time and keep its performance stable, the daily maintenance work is inevitable. Only by doing a good job of cleaning it can it work for us normally. The machine also needs to be taken care of, not only for the appearance of cleaning, but also for keeping the interior clean. Speaking of this, some may think that it is not enough to flush with water, in fact, only use it This method is not enough, because there may be scale or other substances in the vacuum pump which has been running for a long time. It is far from enough to use water only to clean the pump once.

How to clean the water ring vacuum pump correctly? Today I will teach you a simple and easy to learn method. Dilute nitric acid or other soluble substances, but do not use high purity ones, which will directly damage the internal components of the vacuum pump. Place it in the container for about an hour, and then wash it with water directly. If there is pressure, the effect will be achieved Will be better, such a cleaning step is not very simple, only regular maintenance of the pump, in order to extend its life.

Of course, cleaning the water ring vacuum pump is only one aspect. In daily maintenance, there are many components that need to be maintained by the user. For example, which part is seriously worn must be replaced, or it will directly affect the operation of the vacuum pump. If there is a problem in the pipeline, find out the cause of the leakage and repair it in time. All these works should be checked every day during the use As long as every detail is important, there will be big problems with the vacuum pump.

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