
Vacuum Pump in Electronic Semiconductor Industry

Perhaps you are wondering how the vacuum pump manufacturers will address this application. Actually, it's very simple. It's traceable according to the industry. First of all, we know that the electronic semiconductor industry mainly includes the fields of electronic technology, semiconductor, polysilicon/monocrystalline silicon, solar energy and photoelectric display.

According to the industry retrospect, the application of electronic semiconductor industry is mainly divided into three categories: production vacuum (medium and high vacuum); cleaning vacuum (rough vacuum); process vacuum (rough vacuum). Different types of fields require different vacuum pumps.

Vacuum for production mainly reduces the air in the working space and keeps the working space clean through high vacuum. The main types of vacuum pumps used include dry pump (dry screw vacuum pump, claw pump) and molecular pump and its units. Vacuum equipment for production is larger in quantity and smaller in power.

Cleaning vacuum mainly uses negative pressure and atmospheric pressure difference for liquid or particle removal or transportation. This kind of application mainly uses water ring pump and multi-stage centrifugal fan. Because of low vacuum, multi-stage centrifugal fan is more used. Vacuum source is a part of its system.

Process vacuum mainly uses negative pressure adsorption to carry or clamp workpieces. Dry pumps such as screw pumps, claw pumps, water ring pumps, rotary vane pumps and micro-oil screw pumps are common vacuum equipment in process vacuum.

