
How to Avoid Cavitation of Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Cavitation is a common fault in the use of water-ring vacuum pump. It will make the vacuum degree of the vacuum pump not meet the required requirements, thus affecting the normal use of the vacuum pump. Therefore, how to avoid cavitation of water-ring pump has become an important problem faced by many users. The water ring vacuum pump manufacturer has introduced the following contents for us.

During the operation of water ring vacuum pump, the higher the vacuum degree, the lower the boiling point. When the liquid boils, a large number of bubbles will be generated. These tiny bubbles are very fragile, and will have a strong impact on the impeller in the process of breaking. Over time, if the impeller is perforated and damaged seriously, it may be forced to replace because it can not be repaired. Excessive liquid flow will also produce sharp noise, which needs to be reduced.

Solution: In view of this phenomenon, we can design the impeller into copper impeller, stainless steel impeller and other materials. There is a cavitation valve on the front of the water ring pump. When the cavitation sound is too high, opening the cavitation valve a little will reduce the noise, but it is not suitable for the process requiring high vacuum, because vacuum is not suitable. Degree will be greatly reduced.

When cavitation occurs in the use of water ring vacuum pump, we should stop using it immediately and take effective measures to solve it. In addition, in actual use, according to the correct steps, the cavitation problem can be effectively avoided.

