
Water Ring Vacuum Pump in Chemical Industry

What are the characteristics of using water ring vacuum pump in chemical industry?

The performance and requirements of mechanical products vary with the types and properties of the chemical media being transported.

Although the medium mentioned here sometimes refers to water, oil or other non-hazardous substances, in most cases the chemical medium refers to some very "terrible" chemical raw materials, such as those with serious hazards (toxic, corrosive and flammable), especially those that are prone to chemical reactions. Medium with corrosive or erosive action or solid or gas medium containing the above components.

The change of chemical composition and the ratio of chemical elements in the diversified medium will lead to the change of the properties of the chemical medium, the concentration of the chemical medium will be improved, or the chemical medium will have special activity. Therefore, YCB-G thermal insulation gear oil pump often puts forward stringent quality requirements for the purity of chemical media, and these stringent quality requirements can be easily realized by a suitable water ring vacuum pump.

(1) The diversity of requirements for chemical pumps is derived from the diversity of chemical media. This makes the standard system of chemical pump difficult to become a simple standard system. Compared with other fields, such as household electrical, household heating, water supply, drainage and other fields, as well as chemical refinement or automobile manufacturing, standardization has reached a considerable level not only in the production of products but also in the use of products. In the chemical production enterprises, the standardization of chemical pumps has encountered obstacles in terms of technology and economy.

(2) Where is the possibility of optimization and improvement of vacuum pumps? First, standardization is very helpful and meaningful to the production and use of water ring vacuum pumps. But: from the life cycle of the high and low angle end can carry a large load (that is, resistance is very large), or even blockage.

