
Water Ring Vacuum Pump for Vacuum Transportation

Water ring vacuum pump is a kind of coarse vacuum pump, which is composed of pump body, impeller, suction and exhaust disc, water ring, exhaust port, suction port, auxiliary exhaust valve and so on. The following chapters introduce the characteristics of water ring vacuum pump used in vacuum transportation:

1. The equipment is simple in structure, convenient in manufacture, processing and installation, low in control cost and short in setup time. The main component of the water ring vacuum pump system is the welding structure of profiled steel sheet, which is composed of the components of pipe and tank shape. The relative movement and maintenance operation between the components are comparatively easy. If some control equipment is installed, the automatic operation can be easily completed.

2. High efficiency of delivery, no return transportation of equipment. All other means of transport have the defect of free return, while the transport medium of water-ring vacuum pump is air, which only needs to be discharged into the atmosphere at the terminal. In the process of delivery, the feeding inlet and outlet can be continuously fed to complete the continuous delivery.

3. Labor hygiene conditions are good. When water ring vacuum pump is used, the material runs in the pipe, the pipe is under negative pressure, the dust will not leak out and fly, and the material will not disperse and pollute the environment. In the process of delivery, it can also stop sorting, boring and other intermediate disposal. If the material is delivered under negative pressure, because the moisture is easy to evaporate under negative pressure, even if no other dry wrist is used, the material with higher moisture will get a certain dull effect in the process of delivery. Applying the different weight of the material particles, the material can be sorted by designing the appropriate tap opening.

4. In addition, the water-ring vacuum pump's delivery pipeline is convenient to set up the pipeline network in the clothing field, and the layout is complicated and sensitive. It can make full use of the space in the field and is easy to adapt to the working environment.

