
vacuum pump of starting

Vacuum pumps and compressors are widely used in machinery, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, sugar industry and electronics, so it is necessary for us to understand its little knowledge, the following is about the start of vacuum pumps.

After a long period of shutdown, the vacuum pump must rotate the coupling by hand for a week before starting to verify whether it closes the gate valve on the intake pipe of the pump and starts in the following order.

1. Close the gate valve on the intake pipe of the vacuum pump.
2, if the exhaust pipe of the gas water separator is equipped with a gate valve, it should also be closed.
3. Full open spherical valve on stuffing pipe.
4. Fully open gas water separator to pipeline for pump feed water.
5. The gate valve of the water supply pipeline which is fully supplied to the gas water separator is fed into the separator to the height of the overflow pipe.

6. When the water of the gas separator reaches the horizontal plane specified by the scale of the overflow pipe, the motor is started.
7. Open the gate valve on the separator exhaust pipe.
8. Open the gate valve on the intake pipe of the pump.
9. Adjust the water delivered to the pump by the separator with a spherical valve so as to reduce the power consumption of the motor within the specified technical range.
10. Adjust the gate valve which feeds water to the separator so as to reduce water consumption and ensure the technical specifications required by the pump.
11, adjust the water supply to the stuffing box, so as to ensure the tightness of stuffing box with less water consumption. When the vacuum pump operates in the limit, the burst sound occurs because of the physical action in the pump, but the power consumption does not increase accordingly. When the burst sound accompanied by increased power consumption occurs, indicating that the pump is not working properly at this time should be stopped to check.

