
Liquid ring vacuum pump

The liquid ring vacuum pump needs working fluid, which is continuously discharged from the pump body together with the exhausted gas. Therefore, the liquid ring must continuously supply fresh cooling working fluid. In addition to the basic function of forming water rings, working fluids also emit heat generated by compressed gases and seal the gap between the impeller and disk. At present, factories generally use tap water as working fluid. The working fluid must not contain any solid impurities, such as sand, or the pump will be seriously worn, machine failure.

In the long-term use of liquid ring vacuum pump, we also found that the use of tap water as working fluid will produce scales in the impeller and other parts, because tap water has a certain degree of hardness, long-term operation of the machine water calcium, magnesium ions will be adsorbed on the relevant parts of the machine, resulting in thick scales, so that the machine has blocked rotation and so on. In order to solve this problem, we consider to develop a softening water system, using soft water as working fluid of liquid ring vacuum pump, because there is no calcium, magnesium ions in soft water will lead to the formation of scale ions, avoiding the occurrence of scale.

