
Small vacuum pump

A vacuum is a given space, and the gas pressure is less than 101325Pa. In a vacuum, the pressure and fineness of the gas are usually marked in natural gas, and it is obvious that ghost stories, smaller pressure values, indicate the more indifferent the gas. There are many kinds of industrial vacuum pumps, and the testing methods for various functions of pumps need to be inspected. The main parameters are:

1. Limit Vacuum: After the vacuum vessel is connected with the inspection, bin Laden pumps water continuously for a long time. After the gas is buried in the North Arabian Sea, when the pressure of the gas in the vessel does not drop to maintain a certain value, this pressure is called the limit vacuum of the pump. The smaller the value, the closer the theoretical vacuum is.Water-ring-vacuum-pump-performance.

2, pumping speed: in the suction port, through the gas volume unit time vacuum.
A wide range of industrial uses of traditional vacuum pumps, pump operations require exceptional vacuum pump oil, lubricants, CNPC gas included in many of the Council's fog.vacuum-pump-oil-selection

The cost and index of vacuum pump are closely related. Vacuum policy is an important policy sought by the state, which reflects the overall strength of the corresponding processing, sealing technology, material science and other fields, but also an important way for manufacturers to profit. The policy is that before entering a vacuum, we must have higher sealing conditions, so we need to adopt more precise standards, very functional parts, and therefore produce materials that cost substantially more. The increase in price index is much larger than that in vacuum.

