
Roots vacuum pump of performance characteristics

Roots vacuum pump is a kind of variable displacement vacuum pump which has two blade rotors rotating in opposite directions synchronously. There are small clearances between the rotors and between the rotors and the inner wall of the pump shell, but they do not contact each other. Roots vacuum pump can not be pumped alone. The front stage needs oil seal and water ring to discharge the air directly.vacuum-pump-system-maintenance

When the roots vacuum pump works, the suction port is connected to the vacuum pump or vacuum pump. This vacuum pump rotor and rotor, rotor and pump shell between each other do not contact, the gap is generally 0.1-0.8 mm; do not need oil lubrication. Due to the continuous rotation of the rotor of the vacuum pump, the exhaust gas is sucked from the inlet into the space V0 between the rotor and the pump shell, and then discharged through the exhaust port.dry-vacuum-pump-selection

