
How to replace oil in water ring vacuum pump

Water ring vacuum pump is a commonly used equipment in industry. After a period of use, the equipment needs to be changed to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. As the job is more professional, it is best to change oil by professionals, oil change operation as follows:

1, when changing the oil, it is not suitable to start the motor for a long time, so as not to cause the exhaust valve to jump too violently and fatigue.

2. Remove the water ring vacuum pump from the vacuum system, pad one end of the chassis motor higher, open the oil discharge plug, rotate the vacuum pump, cover the exhaust port, so that all the dirty oil in the cavity is discharged from the oil outlet, and then add 100-500 ml of new oil into the air inlet to continuously rotate more than 5-10 revolutions, internal cleaning, according to this operation 3-5 times, special dirty oil After discharging, install the oil stopper, level the pump, add new oil from the inlet and the filling hole respectively, and the oil change is finished.

3, strictly prohibit the use of kerosene, gasoline, alcohol and other pumps for non demolition cleaning.

