
Filter element of vacuum pump

In this respect, it is also an important working part of the filter, and then, in terms of filtering effect, it mainly depends on the performance of the filter. There will be more filtering forms in its operation.

First of all, it will include an air-inlet filter element. In this respect, it works to a great extent, which is actually more effective in preventing solid particles and their fine ash from being sucked into the vacuum pump. In this way, to a great extent, it will directly reduce a wear phenomenon of the machinery itself, in order to improve the reliability of the operation itself. While we prolong the service life of the pump, it is actually an effective protection system itself components.

As far as the filter element of vacuum pump is concerned, it will actually include an exhaust filter element, which takes into account both the exhaust resistance and its dust capacity and the separation performance of oil and gas, and the requirements of the three are in fact able to achieve the optimal balance. Different internal and external locations should be made of different materials in anticipation of different separation purposes.

Next, as far as its oil filter element is concerned, it will be used in the imported vacuum pump to filter the lubricating oil to a great extent, so that, to a certain extent, it will directly extend the life of the oil itself mainstream filter, installed in the oil circuit.

Finally, in terms of the use and maintenance of the vacuum pump filter element, first of all, we should pay attention to the fact that should be loosened knob bolt directly on the filter shell and head separation. Be careful not to lose the rubber sealing ring and the fiber washer. Carefully remove the springs and felt gaskets of the vacuum pump equipment, followed by careful removal of the paper core.

