
Exhaust pressure of Roots vacuum pump

When roots vacuum pump is working, air will be continuously discharged from the pump body to form the required vacuum degree at the suction port, that is to say, the exhaust pressure is another main factor affecting the operating efficiency of water ring roots vacuum pump.

The exhaust pressure has a great influence on the suction capacity and shaft power consumption of Roots vacuum pump. When roots vacuum pump system is running, if the exhaust pressure is higher, the suction capacity of Roots vacuum pump will be smaller, and the power consumption of corresponding shaft will be greater. On the contrary, when the exhaust pressure of the system is smaller, the suction capacity of Roots vacuum pump will be greater, and the power consumption of corresponding shaft will be smaller.

Therefore, in the actual operation and maintenance process, the exhaust pressure data of Roots vacuum pump system should be observed in real time. When the abnormal exhaust pressure data appears, corresponding measures should be taken immediately to update the whole vacuum system, so as to maintain the exhaust pressure of the vacuum system within the standard range for a long time, and ensure that roots vacuum pump is always in excellent working conditions, and effectively improve the performance of the system High mechanical efficiency of Roots vacuum pump.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

