
Causes of inner wall wear of rotary vane vacuum pump

Any kind of mechanical products will wear after working for a long time. Let's discuss the causes of wear and how to reduce the wear. 

Rotary vane vacuum pump uses vacuum oil as sealing medium. Besides sealing, oil also lubricates. The deterioration of oil results in performance degradation, which easily aggravates the wear of pump wall. If the extracted gas contains water vapor, which enters into the pump cavity, the vacuum oil will be emulsified and the performance of the oil will be reduced. There is also a case that the exhaust volume is large, and it is easy to wear the inner wall. How to understand? Vacuum pump is the equipment to obtain vacuum. If the vacuum can not be obtained for a long time, the load of the pump will be large and it is easy to wear.

The phenomenon of inner wall wear is common in chemical industry. How to solve it? We can choose other more suitable models to replace, which not only ensures your benefits, but also saves you costs.

Vacuum Pump Or Compressor

Water ring vacuum pump

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

