
single acting reciprocating vacuum pump working principle

Vacuum pump is a kind of widely used vacuum equipment, which can be divided into reciprocating, reverse type and so on. This paper focuses on the principle of reciprocating vacuum pump. 

The working principle diagram of single acting reciprocating vacuum pump: its working process is: when the piston moves to the right, the space volume on the left side of the piston in the cylinder increases, and the gas pressure drops. When the pressure drops to a little less than the pressure in the suction inlet pipe, the gas from the suction inlet opens the inlet valve and enters the cylinder. With the piston moving to the right, the gas continues to enter the cylinder until the piston moves to the end of the right, which is the suction process. In the suction process, because the gas pressure outside the exhaust valve is greater than the pressure in the cylinder, the exhaust valve can not be opened. When the piston begins to move to the left, the intake valve is closed by the hair in the cylinder, so that the gas can not flow back to the suction line. When the piston moves to a certain position, the gas in the cylinder is compressed to a pressure slightly higher than the outlet pressure, the exhaust valve is pushed open, and the gas in the cylinder is discharged until the piston moves to the end of the left side, which is the exhaust process. In this way, the reciprocating motion of the piston can form a vacuum at the suction pipe.

Reciprocating vacuum pump also has a single-stage and multi-stage difference. The vacuum degree of single-stage double acting high-speed vacuum pump can reach 10-20 mmHg (certain pressure). The multi-stage vacuum pump can reach higher vacuum degree.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

