
Effect of pressure on corrosion resistant vacuum pump

The use of corrosion-resistant vacuum pump is under the action of a certain pressure, for the pressure formed by different altitudes, the impact of vacuum pump is different. The use of corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump skillfully uses this principle. 

Corrosion resistant vacuum pump is used to pump the gas in the system, and then discharge to the surrounding atmosphere to form a vacuum, or pump the surrounding atmosphere to discharge into the system to form pressure. Obviously, the ambient atmospheric pressure has an important influence on the performance of corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump. The design of corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump is based on the assumption that the ambient pressure is a standard atmospheric pressure. All its performances refer to the performance under this condition. Due to the requirements of process flow, the inlet or outlet pressure of corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump is sometimes not equal to one atmospheric pressure even if it is operated at sea level around one standard atmospheric pressure. For example, the inlet of some corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump requires the vacuum of the system, while the outlet requires compressed gas, that is to say, it is required to be used as a vacuum pump and a compressor at the same time. It is also possible to master the changes of pump performance according to the law of the influence of atmospheric pressure on pump performance.

If we have mastered the law of the influence of different atmospheric pressure caused by altitude on pump performance, we can design corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump suitable for each altitude area according to this law, and we can also convert the operation of corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump under non-standard atmospheric pressure conditions (such as in different altitude areas) according to this law In this way, the corrosion-resistant water ring vacuum pump meeting the requirements can be correctly selected.

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