
Influence of particulate matter on water ring vacuum unit and its solution

During the operation of water ring vacuum unit, some users reported that the gap was increased and the leakage was also large. This is because the pumped material contains a large number of solid particles. With the friction between the solid particles and the pump body, it will greatly affect the service life and cause various problems.

If the pumped gas contains solid particles, some of the particles will be discharged out of the pump with the gas, and some of the particles will continue to rub in the gap of the pump, resulting in the increase of the gap, resulting in the increase of the leakage, and the decrease of the vacuum degree and air volume. Therefore, the water ring vacuum unit is not suitable for pumping the gas containing a large number of solid particles, especially the solid particles with larger particle size and higher hardness.

Solutions when it is necessary to pump gas containing particles:

If it is unavoidable, the gas can be purified before entering the water ring vacuum unit (such as setting filter screen or adding vacuum buffer tank). If purification is difficult, the particles in the unit shall be washed clean after pumping.

Before using the water ring vacuum unit, confirm the use environment and the materials to be pumped, so that the corresponding treatment measures can be taken in advance to avoid the damage to the equipment caused by solid particles and other materials.

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