
Anticorrosion method of water ring vacuum pump

Anticorrosion method of water ring vacuum pump

Water ring vacuum pump is used and pumped, so it can pump out inflammable and explosive gas, in addition, it can also pump out the gas containing dust and water, so it is inevitable that it will be corroded after long use, so how should we carry out anti-corrosion operation when we use it? Let's see the introduction of technical points of anti-corrosion first.

1. For the material application of water ring vacuum pump, apply a thin layer of material first to ensure the bonding and full coverage, and then evenly apply the material to the repair surface to achieve the required repair thickness.

2. It is very important to mix the materials when applying the water ring vacuum pump. Mix them strictly according to the proportion and mix them evenly until there is no color difference.

3. Conduct surface treatment for water ring vacuum pump, thoroughly remove the surface oxide layer, and clean the surface with acetone.

The above is the introduction of the key points of the anti-corrosion technology of the water ring vacuum pump. Because it is isothermal in compressed gas, it is widely used, so we should do a good job of maintenance for it. The anti-corrosion is just one of the above, we operate according to the correct methods.
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