
Design parameter selection of liquid ring pump

Design parameter selection of liquid ring pump

According to the above analysis, the flow process in the liquid ring pump is much more complex than that in the general vane pump, and its complexity is shown in the following aspects:

(1) the liquid flow in the pump has a free surface whose shape, velocity and pressure distribution depend on the phase line action of the liquid flow and the air flow, which is unknown. However, when analyzing the flow of liquid and gas, the velocity and pressure of the surface must be known as the boundary conditions, which is obviously a very difficult subject.

(2) the flow in the inter blade flow passage of the liquid ring pump is unsteady. The flow in the suction area flows from the inside to the outside, and in the compression area and the exhaust area flows from the outside to the inside. Therefore, if the flow analysis of the liquid ring pump is to be carried out, the unsteady analysis method must be adopted, which will greatly increase the calculation work.

(3) in general vane pump impeller, the flow field structure is periodic symmetry, that is to say, the flow in any inter blade flow channel is the same, so as long as one inter blade flow channel is analyzed, but in liquid ring pump, the flow in each inter blade flow channel is different, and the flow in each flow channel affects each other through the liquid ring outside the impeller, so the whole flow field must be connected As a whole, it will greatly increase the amount of calculation

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