
Pipeline design of water ring vacuum pump unit

Pipeline design of water ring vacuum pump unit

Before using the water ring vacuum pump unit, it is necessary to design the pipeline route, because the pipeline is the main device to send and pump flammable and explosive gas. Once the pipeline route is unreasonable, it will easily lead to various troubles. Therefore, it is necessary to design a reasonable pipeline route, which is conducive to the work efficiency and stability of the unit in the later stage. So how to design a reasonable pipeline?

1. The shorter the interval between the fragmentary outlet of the water ring vacuum pump unit and the inlet of the pump, the better.

2. The less the pipeline turns, the better.

3. The outlet pipe shall be higher than the inlet line of the pump, and the outlet pipe shall be prevented from factors that cause greater resistance, such as climbing up the outlet pipe, right angle turning, etc.

4. The diameter of the matching inlet and outlet pipe should be different from that of the commodity. For example, if the vacuum is small, the receiving diameter of the matching inlet and outlet pipe can be small, but not less than 70% of the commodity inlet and outlet diameter, and the outlet diameter should be greater than or equal to the inlet pipe diameter.

5. The corner of the pipeline shall be smooth.

6. The water inlet pipeline of vacuum pump unit shall be equipped with valves to regulate the amount of water inlet, which has an impact on the vacuum degree. When regulating the amount of water inlet, the valve shall be controlled by checking the pointer of the vacuum gauge.

Therefore, in order to ensure the normal operation of the water ring vacuum pump unit, it is necessary to achieve the correct installation, operation specifications, maintenance, etc., and all these premises are to ensure that the design of the equipment is reasonable first, otherwise the unreasonable equipment, no matter how it is operated, will not be correct, so whether it is the equipment or anything, it is necessary to lay the foundation premise first, and then carry out the next operation.

