
corrosion resistant vacuum pump advantages

Vacuum pump is a rotary positive displacement gas delivery pump, which includes dry screw vacuum pump, water ring pump, reciprocating pump, rotary piston pump, rotary vane pump, roots pump and diffusion pump, etc. it has more characteristics of large pumping speed in a wide pressure range, and is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, food, electronics, coating and other industries. Using vacuum pump in different environment will inevitably have a problem of anti-corrosion of vacuum pump, but how to solve the problem of corrosion of vacuum pump is usually used in the ceramic anti-corrosion polymer pre protection of polymer. Corrosion resistant vacuum pump is the contact part of all gases. It is made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). It is suitable for corrosive process gases in chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries, such as filtration, vacuum distillation, rotary evaporation, vacuum concentration, centrifugal concentration, and solid-phase extraction.

Working principle: when the corrosion-resistant pump impeller rotates unfavourably in an economic way, the water is thrown around by the impeller, under the action of centrifugal force, a closed ring shape, and the formation of water determined by the thickness of the pump chamber is approximately equal. The lower part of the inner surface of the water ring has the impeller and tangential in the box, just touching the surface (in fact, the insertion depth of the blade into the water ring) and the water ring at the tip of the upper blade. At this time, a crescent shaped space is formed between the water ring and the impeller shell in the interface, and this space has formed several chambers of corrosion-resistant vacuum pump impeller blades and an equal number of blades.

If the corrosion resistance of the lower impeller 0 starts the vacuum pump, before the volume of the impeller cavity, the rotation is changed from small to large at 180, and it is connected with the air inlet and the end face of the gas is now inhaled. When the induction chamber is isolated at the end of the air inlet when the impeller continues to rotate, the gas is compressed in the small chamber from large to small. When the chamber is connected with the exhaust port, the gas becomes the external discharge of the corrosion resistant pump Out.

The corrosion-resistant vacuum pump is a variable displacement pump, which can change the volume of the pump chamber to achieve intake, compression and exhaust.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

Oil Diffusion Vacuum Pump

oil-free vacuum pump in electronic acceleration

In order to meet the rapidly changing needs of customers in the electronics and semiconductor industry, oil-free vacuum pump company has been shortening the product development cycle, launching new products faster, and significantly improving the quality of service. An electron accelerator is usually an electron induction accelerator. An induction accelerator is a device that uses an induced electric field to accelerate electrons. The electron induction accelerator can be used for low energy photon nuclear reaction and activation analysis and other radiation sources.

When the energy is lower than tens of megavolts, the electron induction accelerator is easy to manufacture, easy to adjust and relatively cheap. Therefore, it is widely used in all aspects of the national economy. It is mainly used in industrial gamma ray testing and cancer radiotherapy (using electronic or gamma rays). More than 100 of these accelerators operate in the world, most of them below 20 to 30 MeV. The energy of industrial flaw detection and medical electronic induction accelerator produced in China is 25 MeV.

The electron induction accelerator can also be used in low energy photon nuclear reaction and activation analysis and other radiation sources.

The working principle of imported oil-free vacuum pump is the same as that of ordinary positive displacement pump. It consists of main components, such as stator, rotor, rotor, air cylinder and motor. The rotor with rotating blades is installed eccentrically in the fixed cylinder. When the rotor rotates at high speed, four radial sliding blades in the rotor slot divide the pump cavity into four working cavities. Due to centrifugal force, the rotating blades are tightly attached. The cylinder wall separates the stator inlet and outlet and begins to operate repeatedly to change the volume. The inhaled gas is discharged from the exhaust port to achieve the purpose of pumping.

During use, the ambient temperature of the oil-free vacuum pump shall be lower than 40 ° C, and the temperature rise of the motor shall not exceed 75 ° C. After the normal operation of the magnetic pump for 1000 hours, it is necessary to remove the wear of the bearing and the end moving ring, and replace the vulnerable parts that cannot be reused. For the medium easy to precipitate and crystallize, the medium shall be cleaned immediately after use and discharged into the pump. The vacuum pump must always be clean. No other objects should be placed on the vacuum pump. Do not block the passage around the pump for better maintenance and operation.

Roots Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

Dry Screw Vacuum Pump

Vacuum pump unit commonly used in power plant

This paper introduces a method of using vacuum pump set in power plant. For steam turbine, vacuum has a direct impact on its operation economy. High vacuum, low exhaust steam pressure, low effective enthalpy, less heat taken away by circulating water, high efficiency of the unit. When the air leaks into the condenser, the vacuum degree decreases, the effective enthalpy decreases, and the heat taken away by the circulating water increases.

Therefore, the vacuum pump unit is an important part of the turbine, its sealing directly affects the economy and safety of the whole equipment operation. Therefore, the national electric power industry standard puts forward strict requirements for the vacuum pump unit. However, due to design, installation, operation and maintenance, many power plants have low vacuum during operation. The tightness of vacuum pump unit is reduced, which will also cause the deformation and vibration of exhaust cylinder. Air entering the condenser will also lead to unqualified oxygen content of condensate and corrosion of boiler and steam turbine equipment. In order to solve the above technical problems, a vacuum pump unit is set up in the power plant to increase the power generation, effectively reduce the coal consumption of the unit, achieve the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction, ensure the economic and safe operation of the unit, and ensure the leakage point after treatment, and strictly improve.

The vacuum pump unit is equipped with three 50% capacity water ring mechanical vacuum pumps to establish a certain degree of vacuum for the cylinder and condenser during startup, and continuously discharge the non condensing gas turbine in the steam pump unit to maintain the condensing water during normal operation.

Vacuum Conveying Equipment

Vacuum Suction Pneumatic Conveying System

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


Application advantages of dry screw vacuum pump

The dry screw vacuum pump is a relatively advanced vacuum pump at present, and its technology content is relatively high. It is mainly used for high-purity vacuum production, and there is no high requirement for vacuum degree. Dry screw vacuum pump also has the function of extracting particles, which is often used for environmental cleaning, and can be used in the environment with requirements for corrosion protection, so it can be used in other electronic production such as medical treatment, chemical industry, etc., and also used in the food industry, because many food industries have extremely high requirements for corrosion protection.

The dry screw vacuum pump is a vacuum pump composed of roots pump and screw pump, and equipped with a vacuum meter, etc. at the same time, it can also be processed according to the needs of customers, which is very popular. Dry screw vacuum pump can be cleaned separately, which can ensure that the pump is clean, can reduce the failure, and also reduce the number of repairs. Because of the different gases, there will be a lot of dirt formation, to be cleaned in time.

It is because of the superior performance of dry screw vacuum pump, now it is used very much, which brings a lot of convenience for many enterprises. The dry screw vacuum pump mainly uses the reverse rotating screw to synchronously rotate at high speed so as to realize the function of suction and exhaust. The two screws are supported by bearings and balanced with each other.

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

Dry Screw Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Use scale of imported vacuum pump

According to the use scale, the imported vacuum pump can be divided into rotary vane vacuum pump, roots vacuum pump, screw vacuum pump and claw vacuum pump, etc. the vacuum pump is a kind of rotary variable capacity, which plays an important role in the use scale of vacuum pump.

Rotary vane vacuum pump is one of the main pumps to obtain low and medium vacuum pumps. It can be divided into oil seal pump and dry pump. According to the required vacuum degree, single-stage pump and double-stage pump can be used, among which the application of double-stage pump is more common.

Roots pump is a kind of vacuum pump without internal compression, usually the compression ratio is very low, so the high and medium vacuum pumps need the front pump.

Screw vacuum pump is a kind of suction and exhaust equipment which uses a pair of screws to make synchronous high-speed reverse rotation in the pump shell. It is an updated product of oil sealed vacuum pump.

Claw vacuum pump is a kind of dry vacuum pump whose rotor is claw type. It can keep the limit vacuum, pumping speed and compression ratio unchanged for a long time.
Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

Main characteristics of vacuum drying in vacuum system

Vacuum system is widely used in the process of vacuum drying. At present, the equipment of vacuum drying is constantly updated with the development of modern mechanical manufacturing technology and electrical technology. The so-called vacuum drying is a kind of drying method that puts the material under the negative pressure condition and reaches the boiling point under the negative pressure condition by heating properly or makes the material solidify through the melting point after cooling. Under the condition of negative pressure, the boiling point of the water in the material decreases with the increase of vacuum degree. At the same time, the water vapor content is reduced by the vacuum pump clearance, which makes the water and other solutions in the material obtain enough kinetic energy to separate from the material surface. In vacuum drying, some materials which are easy to oxidize and other chemical changes in the drying process can keep their original characteristics better because they are isolated from air under negative pressure, and the materials can also be better protected by vacuum pumping after injecting inert gas. Common vacuum drying equipment include: vacuum drying oven, continuous vacuum drying equipment, etc.

The process of vacuum drying is to place the dried materials in a closed drying chamber, vacuum the dried materials with a vacuum system and heat them continuously, so that the water inside the materials diffuses to the surface through the pressure difference or concentration difference, and the water molecules obtain enough kinetic energy on the surface of the materials. After overcoming the mutual attraction between the molecules, they escape to the low-pressure space of the vacuum chamber, so as to be true The process of pumping.

The vacuum dryer consists of a drying cabinet, a condenser and a condensate collector, and a vacuum pump. Put the wet materials in the shallow plate and put them on the shelf of the drying cabinet. The heating steam is introduced by the steam population into the sandwich shelf. The lower outlet of the condensate white drying box flows out to the condensate collector through the condensate pipe. The condensate system is closely connected with the valve and the vacuum pump through the pipe to form a complete airtight system, so that the drying operation can be carried out continuously.

What Is Central Vacuum System

Central Vacuum System For Textile Mills

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


Manufacturing process of vacuum pump

The manufacturing process is a kind of using technology formed through long-term accumulation and improvement. The vacuum pump unit we are using now has been studied for a long time, and has achieved the effect of using now. It is also the embodiment of its effect for the manufacturing process of vacuum pump unit.

The meshing of the moving plate and the static plate of the vortex pump is the technical core of the vacuum pump. Its material should be resistant to high temperature, wear and self lubrication under the condition of relatively high speed movement, and have good processability. The machining accuracy and efficiency of the scroll plate pair of the vacuum pump unit are also very important parts. It is required to use the special CNC machine tool to complete the one-time loading and processing, so as to ensure the alignment and accuracy. Because of the special motion relationship of the scroll pair, the material should be treated properly to achieve high temperature resistance and wear resistance.

Dry pump has screw pump and scroll pump. Vortex pump is a two-stage form, that is, two dynamic and static scroll. Vortex pump is not suitable for pumping steam, but its product is compact, beautiful, stable operation, low vibration and noise, and does not need maintenance. It is easy and convenient to replace seals in 2-3 years. The annual sales volume of vortex pump is about dozens.

Roots Vacuum Pump

Piston Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

roots rotor vacuum unit performance characteristics

There are many types of vacuum units, mainly related to the type of main pump. Roots rotary vane vacuum unit is composed of roots pump as the main pump and single or double stage rotary vane vacuum pump as the front pump

Roots rotary vane vacuum unit is a low and high vacuum obtaining equipment with roots vacuum pump as the main pumping pump and single-stage or double-stage rotary vane pump as the front stage pump. The whole unit is arranged on a frame, equipped with pipeline, valve and electrical operation control box, and also equipped with cooling water pipe system. The unit is compact in structure and convenient in use, with high vacuum degree, low noise and sustainable work.

The ratio of the nominal pumping speed of each pump of roots rotary vane vacuum unit is generally between 41 and 101. In order to prevent the front rotary vane vacuum pump from shutting down and returning oil, an electromagnetic vent valve is installed on the front pipeline, whose action is linked with the motor of the front rotary vane vacuum pump, so as to ensure the normal and efficient operation of the pump.

In order to improve the pumping performance of the vacuum unit, reach a higher limit vacuum, improve the pumping speed characteristics at low inlet pressure and use a smaller specification of the front pole pump for large vacuum units, roots vane vacuum units can also be used in series with two-stage roots vacuum pump to form a three-stage unit according to customer requirements.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

Causes of low pressure of vacuum pump unit

Causes of low pressure of vacuum pump unit

Vacuum pump unit is a kind of high efficiency equipment, so it is widely used, but there are also some problems in use, such as low pressure, resulting in the unit can not achieve the expected use effect, affecting the normal use, so what is the cause of low pressure, how to solve it?

The main reasons for the low pressure of vacuum pump unit are as follows:

1. If the vacuum pump unit is not filled with water or properly vented, it can be checked whether the pump casing and inlet pipeline are all filled with liquid.

2. Suction head is too high, check the existing clean head.

3. The water head of the system is too high, check the water head of the system (especially the friction loss).

4. If the speed is too low, check whether the wiring of the motor is correct, whether the voltage is normal or whether the steam pressure of the turbine is normal.

5. The impeller diameter of vacuum pump unit is too small. Consult the manufacturer for the correct impeller diameter.

6. If the submergence depth of bottom valve or inlet pipe is not enough, consult the manufacturer for correct submergence depth or use baffle to eliminate eddy current.

7. The position of pressure gauge is not correct. Check whether the position is correct. Check the outlet nozzle or pipe.

8. If there is leakage in the air or inlet pipeline, check whether there is cavitation or air leakage in the inlet pipeline.

The problem of low pressure of vacuum pump unit may be the result of one or more reasons. If this problem occurs during the operation of the unit, stop the work in time for inspection, find out the cause of the problem, and then formulate a solution for the cause of the problem.

Vacuum Pneumatic Conveying System

Vacuum Die Casting System

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


water ring vacuum pump unit isolation treatment

Vacuum pump is a kind of equipment that will be applied in many industries, and it plays an increasingly important role. However, in the process of use, it is inevitable that it will have such or such problems. When facing these problems, we must be patient to deal with them, because only in this way can it give full play to its use advantages, as well as for water ring vacuum pump unit , let's talk about its corresponding isolation processing. I hope this article will help you.

First of all, we should check whether the work is normal; whether there is leakage point in the vacuum system; at the same time, check whether the pipeline of the vacuum system and the continuous vent pipeline of the low pressure heater are damaged, whether the vacuum breaking valve is closed tightly, whether the sealing water is normal, and whether the steam supply pressure of the shaft seal is normal; Check whether the steam inlet valve, diverter valve and load relief valve of the shaft seal are normal, whether the water seal of the shaft is normal, whether the shaft heater fan is in fault or the negative pressure of the shaft heater is low, start the standby fan, check whether the exhaust system of the small turbine is normal, if necessary, start the electric pump, stop the small turbine and close the exhaust butterfly valve.

Check whether the sealing water of the condensate pump is normal and whether the condensate pump leaks air; whether the water level of the condenser is too high; if the vacuum of the condenser drops to - 87kpa, the standby water ring vacuum pump unit will start automatically, otherwise it will be put into operation manually; if the vacuum continues to drop, the load shall be reduced; if the vacuum drops to - 84kpa, the load shall be reduced to zero; if the vacuum drops to - 81kpa, the trip protection shall act, otherwise, the shutdown shall be manually tripped.

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

What is the configuration of water ring vacuum pump

Water ring vacuum pump is one of the vacuum pumps. In fact, water ring pump was used as a self-priming pump before, but with the continuous research and improvement of people, its application has been very extensive. So what is the general configuration of water ring vacuum pump?

Water ring vacuum pump is mainly composed of impeller, pump body, suction and exhaust disc, water ring formed by water on the inner wall of pump body, suction port, exhaust port, auxiliary exhaust valve, etc. Because of such high-quality configuration, the pump can be widely used in many industrial processes, such as vacuum filtration, vacuum water diversion, vacuum feeding, vacuum evaporation, vacuum concentration, vacuum moisture return and vacuum degassing.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Piston Vacuum Pump

Roots vacuum pump installation instructions

When installing roots vacuum pump, it is recommended to install it by professionals. If it is necessary to install it by ourselves due to limited conditions, we must read the instructions carefully before installing it. Do not damage the operation of components during the installation process, which will cause problems in the use of Roots vacuum pump.

1. Roots pumps shall be installed in dry, ventilated and clean places.

2. The pump shall be installed horizontally, with a space of at least 300 mm between the pump and the wall or other objects, and the oil window of the pump shall have a space for easy observation of the oil level.

3. When connecting the power supply, attention shall be paid to the motor rotation. From the tail, the rotation of the motor shaft shall be clockwise. The specific operation steps are to connect the three-phase power supply of the motor, jog the motor start button, and check whether the rotation is correct. If the rotation is opposite, replace any two terminals of the three power terminals.

4. The pipeline between the pump and the container to be pumped shall be clean, dry and free of leakage. The diameter of the pipeline shall be no less than the air inlet of roots pump as much as possible, and the length shall be short to reduce the loss of pumping speed. The pipeline connection shall be free of leakage.

5. If the extracted gas contains dust or granular substances, a suitable air inlet filter shall be installed at the inlet of the pump to avoid the damage of Roots vacuum pump caused by dust or granular substances.

The installation of Roots vacuum pump is not only to ensure the correct installation, but also to ensure that the installation environment is clean and dry to avoid damage caused by some dust inside the pump.

Small Roots Blower For Fish Pond Culture

Pneumatic Conveying Roots Blower

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


What should be paid attention to in the process of vacuum pump

In the process of using the vacuum pump, wear is unavoidable. What should be paid attention to during the normal use and what should be checked regularly to make the life of the vacuum pump not so short? Screw vacuum pump, water ejection vacuum pump, water ring vacuum pump, liquid ring vacuum pump, roots vacuum pump, oil-free vertical vacuum pump, various types of vacuum units.

Regular inspection: often check the oil level and orientation, and adjust when it does not meet the rules. When the vacuum pump is in operation, the oil level to the center of the oil mark is often used to check the quality of the oil. If oil is found to change, replace the new oil in time to ensure that the vacuum pump works normally After installation, a trial operation should be carried out. Generally, an empty operation is required for 2 hours and the oil is changed twice.

A certain amount of volatile substances will be left in the vacuum pump during cleaning. After the operation is normal, put it into normal operation to check the vacuum pump piping and joints for looseness. Roll the vacuum pump by hand to see if the vacuum pump is sensitive and regularly check the bushing wear. The condition, after the wear is large, the vacuum pump should be replaced in time for a long time.

All the pumps need to be disassembled, dry the water, and the rolling parts and the joints should be greased and stored properly for storage and inspection. Generally, new vacuum pumps are recommended to change the vacuum pump oil after about 100 hours of operation. After the ferrous metal powder is not seen in the oil, the oil change period can be extended in the future. The general vacuum pump should be repaired after 2000 hours of operation.

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Negative pressure Roots blower

Now many customers can't tell what is a negative pressure roots blower, what is a Roots vacuum pump, what is a vacuum pump, what is a Roots blower, and they made a simple mistake when they bought it. Now we summarize the following points. In the roots blower profession, the roots vacuum pump is what most people call a negative pressure roots blower. Its principle is the same as that of a Roots blower, which is a volume reverse blower Machine.

A reverse compressor in which two lobed rotors move relative to each other in the cylinder to compress and transport gas. The roots blower is simple in structure, convenient in manufacture and suitable for gas transportation and pressurization under low pressure. Conceptually speaking, roots blower is a kind of usage in vacuum pump. Positive pressure blower is used with large air volume. Its use is impossible for vacuum pump, such as water tank aeration, oxygen supply, powder transportation, etc.

There are several kinds of vacuum pumps, such as water ring vacuum pump, rotary vane vacuum pump, steam jet pump, molecular pump, reciprocating vacuum pump, fixed vane vacuum pump, slide valve vacuum pump, cycloid vacuum pump, roots vacuum pump, etc. the principle is to discharge the gas out of the pump through the change of the volume generated by the rotation of the structure of the biased rotor in the pump cavity, mainly in the suction process.

The volume of the suction cavity increases and the vacuum degree decreases. When the gas in the container is sucked into the pump cavity, the volume becomes smaller and the pressure increases during the exhaust process. After all, the gas inhaled is discharged out of the pump through the oil seal. In terms of parameters, most of the vacuum degree of the vacuum pump is higher than that of the roots vacuum pump, and the air volume is larger than that of other roots vacuum pumps, so the negative pressure can be smaller than that of the roots vacuum pump.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Roots Vacuum Pump

Piston Vacuum Pump

Characteristics of industrial roots water ring vacuum unit

Roots water ring vacuum unit is composed of Roots vacuum pump as the main pump and water ring vacuum pump as the front pump in series.

For roots water ring vacuum unit, it is more advantageous to select water ring vacuum pump as the front pump than other vacuum pumps. It overcomes the limit pressure difference when a single water ring pump is used (the limit pressure of the unit is much higher than that of the water ring pump) At a certain pressure, the defect of low air extraction rate, together with the advantages of rapid operation of roots pump, has a larger air extraction rate, especially suitable for pumping a large number of condensable mixed fatty acid steam.

Characteristics of roots water ring vacuum unit

① In the unit, there is a certain gap between the rotor and the pump cavity, and between the rotor and the rotor, so they do not touch each other and do not need oil lubrication

② The rotor of roots pump has a good geometric symmetry, which can improve the speed of rotation, and thus can produce a large pumping speed pump with compact structure

③ Roots vacuum unit has small vibration and large volume during operation

④ In the cavity of Roots vacuum pump, there is no compression phenomenon like mechanical vacuum pump, so it does not need exhaust valve. Because of this, the condensable fatty acid steam can be removed

⑤ When roots vacuum unit operates, it can start quickly, reach the limit vacuum in a short time, with small power and low maintenance cost

⑥ Roots pump has a large pumping speed in a wide pressure range (1-1000 PA), which can discharge the distilled gas quickly

Pump For Brick And Ceramic Industry

Pump For Surface Treatment

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Advantages of vacuum pump planning

Vacuum pump is a kind of positive displacement pump. The size of the pump body determines the concave convex power of vacuum pump. At present, the round pump body is widely used in vacuum pump at home and abroad. The advantage of such planning lies in the convenience of processing and installation; therefore, the power of vacuum pump is not high. The main reason is that the impeller of vacuum pump needs more centrifugal force to make the sealing liquid separate the inlet and exhaust of vacuum pump.

The sealing liquid in the vacuum pump can transfer energy and seal effect in the vacuum pump, but the vacuum pump can only reach the planned volume as far as possible because of the structural constraints in the suction and discharge cavity, while the traditional vacuum pump body is the welding pump body, with smooth steel plate surface, and the straight impact of the sealing liquid on the smooth surface will show a straight-line repeated turn back, and then secondary noise will occur, which is smooth The surface of the vacuum pump has no ability to absorb noise.

Low noise vacuum pump features: compact structure, small floor area. Because the gas is compressed in the pump, the power consumption is low. Because there is no oil in the vacuum chamber, the dust will not stay in the pump chamber, but will be discharged out of the pump with the gas from the exhaust port. Moreover, it can deal with the problems of oil emulsification, frequent replacement of working fluid, frequent protection and maintenance, and save the use cost.

Piston Vacuum Pump

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Water ring vacuum pump has strong corrosion resistance

Compared with the most common SK series water ring vacuum pump, the water ring vacuum pump has the characteristics of strong corrosion-resistant function, high limit vacuum degree and large exhaust volume. It is widely used in food, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy and other professional fields, and can also pump various gases and corrosive gases without solid particles.

There are two main shock absorption methods: to reduce the vibration of the motor and the transmission shaft, SK water ring vacuum pump is used for transmission, and the rigid connection between it and the transmission shaft is changed to elastic connection. By using elastic sleeve pin coupling, the maximum compensation displacement and compensation angle can be adjusted, so that the vibration of motor and transmission shaft can be compensated by elastic coupling, and will not be directly transmitted to sk water ring vacuum pump.

Considering that it is difficult to reinforce SK water ring vacuum pump, the method of welding "stiffener" in the outlet steel pipe is adopted. Along the inlet and outlet direction, the two end flanges of the connecting steel pipe between the expansion pipe at the outlet of SK water ring vacuum pump and the outlet valve can be welded with several steel plates of specified thickness and width according to the seller's consultation. Add the rigidity of steel pipe, reduce the deformation and resist the displacement.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump

Roots Vacuum Pump


roots water ring vacuum unit characteristics and application

For roots water ring vacuum unit, it is more advantageous to choose water ring vacuum pump as the front pump than other vacuum pumps. It overcomes the limit pressure difference of single water ring pump when it is used (the limit pressure of the unit is much higher than that of water ring pump) At the same time, the roots pump can work rapidly, which has the advantage of larger pumping rate, especially suitable for pumping a large number of condensable mixed fatty acid steam.

Vacuum pump unit: it is composed of vacuum pump, vacuum box, electrical box, vacuum meter and electromagnetic vent valve. Different vacuum units have wide application prospects in vacuum absorption, vacuum filtration, vacuum concentration, vacuum drying, vacuum crystallization, vacuum transportation, vacuum deaeration, vacuum aeration, vacuum fractionation and other vacuum fields in the industries of industrial automation, fine chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, inorganic salt, textile, food, brewing, metallurgy, environmental protection, laboratory, etc.

The vacuum pump unit is developed with the continuous demand of vacuum equipment. The design of vacuum pump unit is also the embodiment of testing the R & D and design level of vacuum pump manufacturers.

Vacuum System In Juice Infusion

Vacuum Pump Of Oil Filter

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


Method of repairing corroded vacuum pump unit

With the innovative development in the field of mechanization, the mechanical function of vacuum pump unit has also experienced the improvement of skills and functions from generation to generation. In today's construction activities, the application frequency of vacuum pump unit has also been greatly improved. However, due to the diverse special environment of vacuum pump unit, some loss problems will inevitably occur during operation. For example, the vacuum pump unit is corroded, because the operation of the vacuum pump unit is generally in a relatively bad working environment, which will inevitably corrode the vacuum pump unit, so how to solve it? Next, I will introduce the methods of repairing the corroded vacuum pump unit in detail:

1. Blending materials:

Mix in strict accordance with the proportion, and mix evenly until there is no color difference with the surface of the vacuum pump unit.

2. Surface treatment:

Thoroughly remove the surface oxide layer, and clean the surface to be treated of vacuum pump unit with acetone.

3. Application material:

A thin layer of repair material shall be applied first to ensure bonding and full coverage, and no gap shall be left to prevent secondary corrosion. Then evenly apply the material to the repair surface to achieve the required repair thickness.

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

Open Cycle Water Ring Vacuum System

Closed Cycle Water Ring Vacuum System

Understand the advantages of dry vacuum pump

Understand the advantages of dry vacuum pump

The most remarkable ability of dry vacuum pump is to use no water as medium. Compared with traditional vacuum equipment, it can effectively save water resources, reduce the energy consumption of the enterprise, truly make the enterprise's production more environmentally friendly, and improve the enterprise's production and development ability. Together, under the strength of continuous development, the function of dry pump has fully demonstrated its own advantages.

It is necessary to increase the importance of product application and development ability, according to the needs of the enterprise production, increase the continuous drive of technical advantages and ability, improve the useful display of product production ability, accelerate the product production ability with the whole level of dry vacuum pump, enhance the performance of its operation strength in all aspects, and increase the investment in product development according to the domestic professional situation.

Actively learn advanced skills in all aspects, enhance the ability of self-development, and then show the function of dry pump. Dry vacuum pump is the trend of future career development. Although there are not many dry vacuum pumps in use now, in addition to the high price, there are also users who do not have a good understanding of the dry vacuum pump and can not see the future economic benefits brought to the enterprise. How to optimize the selection of dry vacuum pump?

With regard to these different types of dry vacuum pumps, we all hope to reduce their physical dimensions. But this is opposite to the pumping rate of vacuum pump, because the pumping rate of vacuum pump is directly proportional to the volume of vacuum pump, small physical scale means small volume. Of course, there is also an important factor that affects the pumping rate of the vacuum pump, which is the rotating speed.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

What causes will affect the vacuum pump

The low steam pressure and pressure fluctuation have great influence on the ability of vacuum pump, so the steam pressure should not be lower than the required operating pressure, but the structural design of vacuum pump has been finalized, too much improvement of steam pressure will not increase the air extraction and vacuum degree. In addition, in order to ensure that the steam pressure supplied by the boiler is stable, it is better to use a boiler to supply the working steam to the steam jet pump, so that the steam pressure will not fluctuate and the function of the vacuum pump is stable.

Due to the lack of cooling water supply, the condenser will heat up, the sound of air flow will increase, the vacuum degree will drop rapidly, and even the steam will return to the extraction pipe. The condensate has no significant effect in the multistage vacuum pump. The condensate can fully condense the steam. The partial pressure of the water vapor in the discharge pressure of the vacuum pump is necessary to be higher than the corresponding full steam pressure. Therefore, the temperature of the condensate should also be lower than the full temperature under the pressure to ensure the normal operation of the pump body.

When the vacuum pump is in the limit condition, there is little or no water discharged from the first stage. Therefore, the first stage pump has a lot of water discharge, which can be considered as leakage of the system. The common causes of air leakage are: the gasket is not installed, installed incorrectly or damaged, the bolt is not tightened, the flange surface is damaged, the weld has sand holes, and the joint (pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, etc.) is not installed properly.

Nozzle is an important part that affects the function of vacuum pump. There are some problems: wrong installation, crooked installation, blocking, damage, corrosion and leakage of nozzle. No matter what preventive measures are adopted, nozzle blocking is inevitable. On the one hand, the residual iron and welding slag in the steam pipe will block the nozzle; on the other hand, when the vacuum pump system is out of service, the steam pipe is easy to rust, and the rust spots will fall to block the nozzle during use.

Oil Free Scroll Vacuum Pump Manufacturer

Silent Environmental Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


Application of vacuum pump in industry

Today, the vacuum pump manufacturer introduces the application of vacuum pump in the industrial field. Let's have a look at it:

Vacuum pump is a kind of rotary variable volume vacuum pump, which can be used only with the cooperation of the front pump. It has a large pumping speed in a wide pressure range and is insensitive to the dust and water vapor contained in the extracted gas. It is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, food, electronic coating and other industries.

Vacuum pump is widely used in industrial production, but many customers know little about the types of vacuum pump. Vacuum is widely used in industry, such as vacuum coating, vacuum heat treatment, vacuum drying, vacuum packaging, vacuum suction cup, vacuum insulation board, vacuum glass, vacuum compression bag, vacuum circuit breaker, vacuum tube, etc.

Piston Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

Working principle of water ring vacuum pump

Today, I would like to introduce the operation principle of the vacuum pump of the water ring. Let's have a look at it:

The vacuum pump (mechanical capacity increasing pump) used for higher vacuum can not directly exhaust the atmosphere. For example, the pressure difference between the suction port and the exhaust port of the roots vacuum pump will be too large, which will overload the roots vacuum pump. For example, the complex increase of the motor power of the vacuum pump will cause the vacuum pump to overheat, which will cause the weak gap between the roots vacuum pump spindles to get stuck quickly due to thermal contraction. In order to ensure that the vacuum pump can achieve a higher vacuum, it is necessary to guarantee the gap between the vacuum pump spindles. Therefore, when the vacuum pump is used, it must be equipped with a front-end pump. When the pressure in the debris is pumped to a certain scale, the vacuum pump can be started again, so as to prevent the overload of the vacuum pump. The front stage pump can select water (liquid) ring vacuum pump, rotary vane vacuum pump, slide valve vacuum pump, round-trip vacuum pump and other vacuum pumps that can directly discharge the atmosphere.

Under normal conditions, it is more useless to select water ring pump as the front pump of vacuum unit than other vacuum pumps. This is important because it can pump out a large number of condensable steam, especially when the power of removing condensable steam is not enough, or the solvent used can make the pump oil better without performance, or the time when the vacuum fragmentary oil is not allowed to be purified is more obvious However.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump

Roots Vacuum Pump

What is the main purpose of the crude vacuum system

It is mainly used to extract air and other gases with certain corrosiveness, insoluble in water and small amount of solid particles. It is widely used in vacuum evaporation, concentration, impregnation, drying and other processes in food, textile, medicine, chemical and other industries. The pump is characterized by high vacuum, simple structure, convenient use, reliable operation and convenient maintenance.

Mainly used for rough vacuum. In the process of large air extraction. It is mainly used to extract air and other non corrosive, insoluble in water, containing a small amount of solid particles, so as to form a vacuum in a closed container. A small amount of liquid is allowed to mix in the aspirated gas. It is widely used in machinery, pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical and other industries.

It is one of the main vacuum equipments to obtain the coarse vacuum. It is widely used in chemical, food, building materials and other sectors, especially in vacuum crystallization, drying, filtration, evaporation and other processes.

The oil-free (corrosion-resistant) vertical reciprocating vacuum pump is an updated product of the horizontal vacuum pump, and it is the main equipment to obtain the coarse vacuum. Due to the use of full sealing device, the crankcase and cylinder are completely isolated; in addition, the piston ring is made of self-lubricating material, so the advanced oil-free lubrication is realized. As there is no sewage discharge, the vacuum pump is especially suitable for the vacuum distillation, vacuum evaporation, vacuum drying, vacuum concentration, vacuum impregnation and other processes in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

Vacuum Pump Oil Method And Skill Of Changing

Difference Between Vacuum Pump Oil And Common Lubricating Oil

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


Main function of pump body

The pump body is also known as the pump housing. The main function of the pump body is to close the impellers of various pumps and the medium to be transported in a certain space, concentrate the medium discharged from the impellers of the pump to the outlet pipeline, and convert a part of the velocity energy of the medium into the boosting energy, so as to speed up the velocity of the outlet pipeline, and increase the pressure to achieve the purpose of constant flow of water energy at the low place to the high place. The pump body is also a part that bears the medium pressure.

There are three kinds of commonly used pump bodies: volute type double suction centrifugal pump: the shape is very similar to the snail's shell, the volute has different cross-section and gradually expanded flow channel, and the shape and size of the flow channel have a great impact on the flow head of the pump. As shown in Figure 2-7

Pump body with inducer device: the pump body is a rotating body model, and there are several flow channels with inducer structure outside the impeller in the pump body.

Double layer pump body: a cylinder shaped pump body is added outside the general pump body, which is called double layer pump body, This kind of pump body can usually play the role of heat preservation or temperature reduction. For example, when the sewage pump is automatically stirred to deliver high-temperature liquid, if you want to keep the temperature unchanged, you can apply hot water or heat preservation liquid to the outer layer to keep the liquid in the pump body from falling. If you want to reduce the temperature, you can apply cold water to the outer layer to also play the role of temperature reduction.

Piston Vacuum Pump

Oil Diffusion Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Common abrasion phenomenon of water pump

Abrasion (erosion, erosion) refers to a kind of wear caused by the impact of multiphase flow medium on the surface of materials. The phenomenon of water pump abrasion has become one of the main causes of material damage in many industrial sectors. It is considered that abrasion accounts for 8% of the total wear damage in industrial production.

According to the flow medium, the abrasion phenomenon of water pump can be divided into two categories, i.e. air blast abrasion and liquid flow or water drop abrasion. The second phase carried in the flowing medium can be solid particles, liquid drops or bubbles. Some of them directly impact the surface of the material, while others collapse (bubbles) on the surface, thus exerting mechanical force on the surface of the material. According to the arrangement and combination of flow medium and second phase, the abrasion phenomenon of water pump can be divided into four types

The abrasion caused by the impact of solid particles carried by the liquid medium on the surface of the material is called slurry abrasion. The flow passage parts of mud pump and slurry pump used in the construction industry, oil drilling, coal mining, metallurgical industry and thermal power station are seriously abraded. In recent years, people have been committed to the comprehensive development and utilization of coal resources. In the gasification, liquefaction (preparation of kerosene slurry and coal water slurry), transportation and combustion of coal, there are a lot of material erosion problems. Whether some advanced processes and designs can be realized or not is even based on the complete understanding of the abrasion of materials or components.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump

Roots Vacuum Pump

Notes on balance correction of screw pump

Use these expansion coefficients and the difference between the temperature when the pump is calibrated and the temperature when the pump is running to calibrate the centerline height of the shaft. The distance that the machine should be padded up when cooling is the calculated distance shown in the table.

The purpose of any shaft alignment is to adjust the centerline of the mechanical shaft to each other, not to adjust the center of the flexible connection. At operating temperature, the correction number (TIR) is within 0 003in of the total indicated reading, including angle and parallelism. Refer to a good calibration process to obtain or guarantee accuracy. Flexible connections can have a large amount of misalignment, which is independent of the alignment between the shafts of the equipment. The purpose of shaft positioning is to extend the service life and service life of the mechanical device, rather than the service life of the joint. If the hot water circulating pump and / or driver are used, the pump will generate enough thermal expansion (possibly LH or more) after operating at rated temperature for a period of time. At this time, the equipment shall be shut down to ensure that the calibration is within the effective limit.

Calibration with the pump and drive chain assembled cannot be relied on. Transportation, hoisting, handling and irregular base will make the positioning worse. The final calibration should be done almost at the last step before the pump actually starts. If the pump is installed on site, the positioning inspection shall be carried out after the pump runs stably for several hours or days.

Sometimes it is necessary to use elastic frame to reduce the vibration and transfer the vibration to the following foundation. Such an elastic frame cannot be installed next to the pump or driver, but it can be installed between the pump or driver base or bracket and the foundation. The pump and driver must be rigidly positioned, not elastically positioned, because under the action of transmitting torque, the elastically mounted cannot maintain enough accurate positioning.

For most equipment, the direction of rotation is very important. Usually indicated by an arrow plate. Remember that there are some drives that rotate in the opposite direction from the input shaft to the output shaft. Most engines and turbines must be purchased in a specific direction of rotation, as do pumps. Standard AC motors are usually bi-directional; their direction of rotation depends on the connection of the power cable. If it is impossible to foresee their rotation direction in advance, it is recommended to make the motor instantly energized (lightly touched and then quickly disconnected) when the flexible connection of the motor shaft is not connected, so as to check whether its rotation direction is correct for other parts of the driving equipment. If not, two of the cables need to be reversed. If necessary, after the reverse connection and before reconnecting the flexible connection, verify that the direction of rotation is correct.
How To Choose Vacuum Pump For Vacuum Drying Oven

Single Stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump In Plasma Cleaning Machine Maintenance

Water Ring Vacuum Pump


A micro DC vacuum pump with a brush less motor

BLDCM is a typical mechatronics product, which is composed of motor body and driver. Because the BLDCM operates in automatic control mode, it does not have oscillation and out of step when the load suddenly changes, unlike the synchronous motor which starts with heavy load under frequency control.

The small and medium capacity BLDCM is a permanent magnet, and the BLDCM uses semiconductor switching devices to realize electronic commutation, that is, to replace the traditional contact commutator and brush with electronic switching devices. It has the advantages of high reliability, no commutation spark and low mechanical noise

The micro DC adopts the brush free vacuum pump. In addition to 2 power lines (positive and negative poles), 3 signal lines of "PWM speed regulation, motor feedback, motor start and stop" are provided. The motor speed can be adjusted and the output flow of the pump can be changed by duty cycle, which is fast or slow and arbitrary. PWM speed regulating function: it means that the pump flow can be directly adjusted through the circuit (PWM pulse width modulation), without valve adjustment at all, simplifying the air circuit system, meeting different loads, and the flow is always kept constant and other applications

Oil Diffusion Vacuum Pump

Dry Type Oilless Vacuum Pumps

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

micro vacuum pump classification and selection

micro vacuum pump classification and selection

With the further requirement of miniaturization and non polluting working medium of vacuum pump in all walks of life, miniaturized vacuum pump with small volume, oil-free, maintenance free, low noise, environmental protection and energy saving has been widely used. Micro vacuum pump refers to a small volume vacuum pump, which has only one suction nozzle and one exhaust nozzle, and can continuously form vacuum or negative pressure at the inlet; the working medium is mainly gas, which is a compact instrument.

The basic principle is: the circular motion of the motor makes the diaphragm inside the pump reciprocating motion through the mechanical device, so as to compress and stretch the air in the fixed volume pump cavity to form a vacuum (negative pressure), and generate a pressure difference with the external atmospheric pressure at the pumping port of the pump, under the effect of the pressure difference, the gas pressure (suction) into the pump cavity, and then discharge from the exhaust port.

Micro vacuum pump commonly used portable instruments gas sampling, sampling, gas circulation, mobile, handheld devices and other gas sampling, object adsorption, vacuum pressure. It can also be used for long-term idling, dry running and other occasions, widely used in scientific research, laboratory, environmental protection, instrumentation, chemical industry, medical oxygen generator, medical test equipment, beauty and body equipment, automation equipment, printing and printing machine, electronic and electrical work.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump

Piston Vacuum Pump

Causes of oil trapped in screw vacuum pump

Causes of oil trapped in screw vacuum pump

Screw vacuum pump in the use of the process, sometimes there will be oil trapped problem, how to solve it?

In order to supply oil continuously, screw vacuum pump requires that the overlap coefficient e of gear engagement is greater than 1, that is, when one pair of gears is not disengaged from engagement, the other pair of gears have entered into engagement. In this way, when the screw vacuum pump has two pairs of gears meshing at the same time, a closed volume is formed between the two pairs of gears' tooth direction meshing lines

When the sealing volume is reduced, the trapped oil is squeezed and the pressure rises sharply, which makes the bearing suddenly subject to a large impact load, and the screw vacuum pump vibrates violently. At this time, the high-pressure oil is squeezed out from all possible leaks, resulting in the power loss of the screw vacuum pump and the oil heating, etc

When the sealing volume increases, because there is no oil supplement, a local vacuum of the screw vacuum pump is formed, which separates the air dissolved in the oil and forms bubbles. After bubbles are generated in the oil, a series of problems such as noise and cavitation of the screw vacuum pump will be caused

The above situation is the phenomenon of oil trapped in screw vacuum pump, which will seriously affect the working stability and service life of screw vacuum pump

In order to solve the problem of oil entrapment, two oil entrapment unloading grooves can be milled on the pump cover of screw vacuum pump. The position of the unloading tank should be such that the trapped oil chamber can be connected with the pressure oil chamber through the unloading tank when it is changed from large to small, and can be connected with the oil suction chamber through another unloading tank when the trapped oil chamber is changed from small to large. The distance between the two unloading tanks shall ensure that the oil pressure cavity and the oil suction cavity cannot communicate at any time.

Environmental Protection Oil-Free Vacuum Pump

Dry Screw Vacuum Pump For Oil Production Process

Water Ring Pump


The reason why the flow of vacuum pump can not reach

When the vacuum pump is in use, the flow rate determines the output. If the flow rate is too small, it can not meet the use requirements, which will seriously affect the use efficiency. So once the flow can not reach the situation we need to find out the reason in time, let's explain it to you.

If the flow of the newly installed vacuum pump fails to reach, first confirm whether the power supply is normal, and whether the reversal caused by the reverse connection of the wire leads to the flow failure, which needs to be eliminated one by one.

The reason why the flow can't be reached is also the wrong selection. Due to the high lift required by the actual working condition and the low lift of the pump, the required requirement can't be met. The vertical height of the on-site outlet pipeline is about 15 meters, and then the horizontal distance is about 1000 meters. After the use, the user's reflected flow can't reach the actual flow only about 60 m3 / h, so the situation can be seen from the above data If the head of the pump is too low, it can be sure that the local flow of the outlet water can not meet the design standard. The horizontal distance of 1000m must be calculated at least according to the head of 20m, so the head of the working condition must be 40-50m sewage pump products to reach the rated flow parameters.

If the flow of the used vacuum pump is not up to the standard, it may be caused by the abrasion and corrosion of the impeller and pump body, or it may be caused by the blockage of the pump body and pipeline. The elimination method is to first confirm whether the pump body and pipeline are blocked, and then check whether the impeller and pump body are worn and corroded, replace the new accessories or select the corrosion-resistant ones The stainless steel vacuum pump product or the self-priming pump product installed on the ground without soaking in water is more suitable. It is also possible that the flow can not be reached due to the loose impeller nut.

Piston Vacuum Pump

Oil Diffusion Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Model of stainless steel vacuum pump

Stainless steel vacuum pump is widely used in our life, and the vacuum pump materials on the market are also various. What materials are suitable for our use? The classification of different application environments is also very different. Let's briefly understand the main classifications.

2BV water ring vacuum pump is suitable for continuous operation to form a vacuum and to remove dry and wet gases, mainly non flammable, non corrosive atmosphere and atmosphere / steam mixture. According to the requirements of customers, we can provide vacuum pumps suitable for flammable, explosive and toxic media.

In this case, users should take corresponding safety measures. The working fluid is usually water. 2BV vacuum pump is suitable for the occasions with more stringent requirements on corrosion prevention and sanitation. 2BV vacuum pump is used in the range of coarse vacuum; the limit vacuum is determined by the saturated vapor pressure of working fluid.

2SK series two-stage water ring vacuum pump is characterized by high vacuum degree and large pumping speed in high vacuum area; compact structure and convenient maintenance; wide application range, it can pump various gases containing water vapor, inflammable, explosive, a small amount of dust and a small amount of liquid; main water is used as working medium, with low maintenance cost; it can work in a relatively harsh environment.

It is suitable for working conditions with suction pressure lower than - 0.08mpa. 2sk-p1 series is suitable for working conditions with suction pressure lower than - 0.096mpa. When equipped with air pump, the limit vacuum degree can reach - 750mmhg. The working vacuum range is -0.03-0.08mpa.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump

vacuum pump unit application preparation

When using a pump can not meet the requirements of pumping and vacuum, several pumps need to be combined to complement each other to meet the process requirements. The combined vacuum pump is called vacuum pump unit. The vacuum pump unit can make the vacuum system obtain better vacuum degree and exhaust volume, and the vacuum pump unit with high adaptability can make the working condition application obtain high application efficiency. Therefore, we should select the vacuum pump unit correctly.

The application of vacuum pump unit needs to make corresponding preparations, such as the selection and assembly of vacuum pump unit.

The vacuum pump unit shall be selected and applied according to the medium conditions, environmental requirements and working condition specifications of the application project. When extracting the gas, it is necessary to know the composition of the gas and the composition of the extracted gas. The gas contains no condensable steam, whether there is particle dust, whether there is corrosiveness, etc. Select the appropriate pump for the extracted gas. If the gas contains steam, particles and corrosive gas, auxiliary equipment, such as condenser, dust remover, etc., shall be installed on the air inlet pipeline of vacuum pump unit.

When using the vacuum pump unit with oil seal vacuum pump, it is necessary to determine whether the vacuum system has requirements for oil pollution. If the equipment is strictly oil-free, all kinds of oil pumps should be selected, such as: water ring pump, low temperature pump, etc. In addition, the impact on environmental pollution should be considered. If the environment is not allowed to be polluted, the oil-free vacuum pump should be selected, or the oil vapor should be discharged to the outdoor. If the requirements are not strict, oil pump can be selected, and some anti oil pollution measures, such as adding cold well, oil trap, baffle, etc., can also meet the requirements of clean vacuum.

Pumps For Fishing And Fishing System Equipment

Welded Bellows Industry Application

Water Ring Pump


How does the dry vacuum pump work

How does the dry vacuum pump work?

The dry vacuum pump is famous for its high efficiency and good effect. It has gradually opened up the market, effectively playing its own advantages in use. The working principle of the equipment is simple and easy to understand, convenient for everyone to operate and meet everyone's use needs.

When the dry vacuum pump is running, under the drive of the motor, the piston in the cylinder moves back and forth through the action of the crank connecting rod mechanism (the rotary motion becomes the linear motion).

When the piston moves from the left end to the right end in the cylinder, the pressure in the left chamber decreases with the increase of the volume of the left chamber. When the pressure of the left chamber is lower than that of the pumping vessel, according to the principle of gas pressure balance, the gas in the pumping vessel is continuously pumped to the left chamber through the suction valve, which is in the process of suction.

When the piston reaches the right position, the left chamber of the cylinder is filled with gas. Then the piston moves from the right end to the left end. At this time, the suction valve closes automatically. As the piston moves from right to left, the gas gradually compresses. When the gas in the cylinder reaches the exhaust pressure, the exhaust valve opens, and the gas is discharged to complete a working cycle.

When the piston moves from the left end to the right end, repeat the above cycle until the pumping vessel reaches a certain balance pressure.

Although the operation of the dry vacuum pump is simple and easy to understand, it should also be carried out in the prescribed way in the operation process, so as to better promote the overall use effect of the equipment, effectively play to the performance of the equipment, and make its market continue to expand.

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

Dry Screw Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Advantages of liquid ring vacuum pump

The old vacuum pump has obvious defects in use. For example, it can only transport and extract gases with relatively clean air quality. It is difficult to realize the application of vacuum pump for some air containing relatively high quality water vapor or relatively high condensed particles or some poisonous, flammable and explosive gases. At this time, the vacuum pump is difficult to use, the emergence of liquid ring vacuum pump is in line with the market demand, to meet the market trend, its main application advantages have been widely recognized.

The new liquid ring vacuum pump can satisfy the function of suction with water, and its structure is relatively simple. You can assemble it yourself. Because of the integrated control, it is more convenient to use. Even inexperienced people don't have to worry about damaging the delivery pump, so they can make vacuum containers in a vacuum environment. Relatively speaking, this way is safer and greatly improves people's work efficiency.

With the emergence of liquid ring vacuum pump, people can pump in a relatively special air environment. For example, in flammable and explosive gas, toxic gas or gas containing water vapor, or gas containing condensed particles, free vacuum environment can be generated, which is not easy to cause danger in the use process. It is also relatively safe for staff. At present, this kind of mechanical equipment has been widely used in medicine, food, metallurgy, chemical industry, textile, leather printing and dyeing industries, and has been widely used.

Because this kind of liquid ring vacuum delivery pump can meet the needs of bad working conditions, it has been widely used in many chemical fields, greatly improving the safety of users and preventing accidents.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

What is water ring vacuum pump