
How to use vacuum solenoid valve in vacuum system

How to use vacuum solenoid valve in vacuum system?

How to use vacuum solenoid valve in vacuum system Vacuum solenoid valve is a special valve for vacuum installed on mechanical vacuum pump. The valve and the pump are connected to the same power source. The opening and stopping of the pump directly control the opening and closing of the valve. How to use vacuum solenoid valve in vacuum system?

Vacuum solenoid valve is a special vacuum valve installed on a mechanical vacuum pump. The valve and the pump are connected to the same power source. The opening and stopping of the pump directly control the opening and closing of the valve. When the pump stops working or the power supply is suddenly interrupted, the valve can automatically close the vacuum system and fill the atmosphere into the pump cavity through the air inlet of the pump to prevent the pump oil from flowing back and polluting the vacuum system. The working medium for vacuum solenoid valve is air and non-corrosive gas.

How to use the vacuum solenoid valve in the vacuum system mainly includes the following points:

1. Before installing the vacuum solenoid valve, you should carefully read the instruction manual of the product, check whether the product fully meets the requirements for use, be familiar with the installation points, and make preparations.
2. During installation, the coil of the vacuum solenoid valve is upward and maintains a vertical position. The arrow or mark on the ZCA vacuum solenoid valve should be consistent with the flow direction of the pipeline.

3. Ordinary vacuum solenoid valves should not be used in flammable and explosive dangerous places.

4. When the vacuum solenoid valve fails, in order to isolate the ZCA vacuum solenoid valve in time and ensure the normal operation of the system, it is best to install a bypass device.

5. Do not install the vacuum solenoid valve in the low recess of the pipeline, so as to avoid steam condensate, impurities and other deposits in the valve and hinder the action.

6. In the case of insufficient pipeline rigidity, it is recommended to fix the front and rear pipes of the vacuum solenoid valve with a bracket to prevent vibration caused by the ZCA vacuum solenoid valve during operation.

7. Before taking over, fully flush the pipeline with a pressure of 0.3MPa to completely remove the metal powder sealing material residues and rust in the pipeline; the working medium of the vacuum solenoid valve should be clean and free of particles; impurities, it is recommended to install a filter in front of the valve. Install steam traps in the steam line; dirt and filters on the inner surface of the inlet solenoid valve must be cleaned regularly.

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