
Roots vacuum pump of selection method

Roots vacuum pump equipment is an important basis for production, plays a core role, the selection of appropriate equipment is the basis for normal operation of production operations, if the equipment is not suitable, not only can not play its original function, affecting the equipment itself, and even for the production environment there will be hidden dangers. So do you know how to type?

1. The limit pressure of Roots vacuum pump equipment should satisfy the working pressure of the process. Usually, the limit pressure of the pump is about an order of magnitude lower than the process requirement.

2. Roots vacuum pump equipment has a certain range of working pressure, therefore, the pump should be selected within this range of working point, and can not allow it to work for a long time beyond the allowable working pressure.

3, when choosing, we should first understand whether roots vacuum pumps have requirements for oil pollution. If the equipment strictly requires no oil, should choose a variety of non-oil pumps; if the requirements are not strict, you can choose to have oil pumps, coupled with some anti-oil pollution measures, can also meet the requirements of a clean vacuum.
Piston Vacuum Pump
4. Understand the composition of the gas being pumped. The gas contains no condensable vapor, granular dust and corrosiveness. When selecting equipment, you need to know the composition of the gas and select the corresponding pump for the selected gas. If the gas contains steam, particles, and corrosive gases, it should be considered to install auxiliary equipment in the pump inlet pipeline, such as condensers, dust collectors, etc.
Air Cooled Roots Vacuum Pump

