
Vacuum pump price

Vacuum pump is a kind of equipment that every manufacturer will buy, and the price is a very important factor in the choice of time, in fact, its price will be affected by many factors in practice, then what specific include? The following vacuum pump manufacturers will introduce to you:

First, for the same parameters, category of vacuum pump brand is the main factor affecting the price, because this is not only a simple name, but also represents the post-sale and maintenance work, which is now very much valued by everyone.

Two, for the equipment itself, because of different materials, the price deviation is bigger, for example:

1. Stainless steel: Stainless steel has strong corrosion resistance and high tensile strength, so the wall thickness of the parts can be relatively thin, thus further reducing the cost. The price is relatively cheap.vacuum-pump-oil-price

2. Cast iron: the price is relatively cheaper, the drawback is easy to be corroded, parts thick, we can choose according to their actual use.

3. Copper alloy: Strength is about 1/2 of stainless steel castings, so the thickness of the two parts is much thicker than the wall thickness, so that its weight is heavier, is also one of the reasons for the higher price of parts.Dry-vacuum-pump-manufacturer

