
Matters needing attention in Roots vacuum pump

The particularity of working environment and working intensity of Roots vacuum pump makes the product inspected frequently. Inspection is only a way to avoid problems, and the high efficiency is to master the matters needing attention in the use of the product. This can not only improve the performance of the product but also effectively avoid troubles caused by wrong operation. Several points for attention in the application of Roots vacuum pump are summarized.

1. Check the oil level regularly. If it does not meet the requirements, it must be adjusted to meet the requirements. When the roots pump operates, the oil level shall be the center of the oil standard.

2. The oil change period of Roots Vacuum Pump is decided by the user according to the actual use conditions and whether it can meet the performance requirements. General Xinluo pump, when clean and dry gas is removed, it is recommended to change the oil once every 100 hours or so.

3. Check the oil quality regularly and find that new oil should be replaced in time to ensure normal operation.

4. Generally speaking, the roots pump should be repaired after 2000 hours of operation to check the aging degree of the seals, check whether the exhaust valve discs are cracked, and clean up the dirt deposited on the valve discs and the exhaust valve seat. Cleaning parts of the roots pump cavity, such as rotor, rotary vane, spring, etc. Usually wash and dry with petrol. After cleaning the rubber parts, dry them with dry cloth. When cleaning and assembling, handle with care gently and carefully.

5. Roots pump adds bearing lubricating oil to the bearing body. The oil level should be observed at the center line of the oil mark, and the lubricating oil should be replaced or supplemented in time.oil-for-vacuum-pumps

6, check roots pump pipeline and whether there is loose joint. Turn the roots pump with your hands to see if the roots pump is flexible.

7. After reassembly, test run should be carried out. Generally, it must run empty for 2 hours and change oil twice, because there will be a certain amount of volatile substances in roots pump when cleaning, and then put into normal work after normal operation.dry-screw-vacuum-pump-in-pv-module-lamination-process-of-application

8. Start the motor, when the normal operation, open the outlet pressure gauge and inlet pressure gauge, as it shows the appropriate pressure, gradually open the gate valve, while checking the load of the motor.

9. Controlling the flow and head of Roots Vacuum Pump as far as possible in the range indicated on the sign to ensure that the roots pump operates at the most efficient point, so as to obtain good energy-saving effect. V

