
Dry vacuum pump

Oil-free dry mechanical vacuum pump (also known as dry mechanical pump) refers to the pump can start to exploit under atmospheric pressure, but also directly injected into the atmosphere, no oil or other working media pump chamber, pump limit pressure and seal vacuum pump type of the same order of magnitude or close to mechanical vacuum pump.vacuum-valve

Vacuum industry uses most mechanical vacuum pump oil, water or other polymer fluids as the working medium of the pump, cooling pump seal, lubrication, etc. With the development of science and technology and expansion of the field of vacuum application of the original mechanical vacuum pump and its extraction system, there are two urgent problems: first, the working medium pump reflux contamination is pumped container, and in many cases this reflux affects the quality of products, quantity, increase the cost of equipment maintenance. Secondly, due to the reaction materials produced in some processes, the medium of the vacuum pump deteriorates seriously, so that the pump can not work properly.

For ordinary oil-free vacuum systems, although oil-sealed vacuum pumping units have cold traps or adsorption traps, such as accessories, to prevent reflux, but can not completely solve the problem, making the system appear complex. Suitable for drying machine vacuum pump suitable type, can achieve the desired results.air-cooled-roots-vacuum-pump-introduction

