
Liquid ring vacuum pump in vinyl ketone

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump in the Production of Ethylene Ketone Advantages

The application of liquid ring vacuum pump in the production of acetone has at least the following advantages:rotary-vane-vacuum-pumps

First, the liquid ring pump can run continuously for a long time. Because transformer oil is used as circulating medium, transformer oil can not only produce oil ring to form vacuum and lubricate the pump body, so the liquid ring pump not only solves the problem of periodic maintenance of dry pump, but also can run without fault for a long time because of the low failure rate of the vulnerable parts of the pump body itself.buy-liquid-ring-vacuum-pump

Second, the liquid ring pump is an isothermal compression process, because the nature of ketone is very unstable, it greatly reduces the waste of materials. Whether it is a W-type reciprocating pump or a sliding valve pump, because the gas temperature rises during compression, it will produce a large number of divinyl ketone, acetic anhydride and other substances. When the temperature is too high, it will also produce a lot of coke-like substances.

Thirdly, it is safer to use the liquid ring pump to produce. It is decided by the working principle of the liquid ring pump that it will never have cylinder or cylinder leakage as often as the reciprocating pump, which greatly avoids the danger of cooling brine entering the system and greatly reduces the sudden vacuum drop and even the leakage of ethylene ketone caused by the sudden failure of the vacuum pump.liquid_ring_vacuum_pump

Fourth, the use of liquid ring pumps is more environmentally friendly, low noise and pollution, no need for regular maintenance, reducing the outflow of acetone.

