
Vacuum Pump for Vacuum Furnace

To ensure high vacuum, besides reliable gas tightness and vacuum pipeline of furnace, appropriate vacuum pump equipment is also needed.vacuum-pump-paper-industry

The requirement of vacuum pump is put forward according to the condition of reducing period. After the pressure block is installed in the furnace and the furnace is closed, the air in the furnace must be extracted. Then, as the charge is heated, the inhaled and combined gases (water vapor and carbon dioxide) are separated from the briquette. When these gases precipitate at higher temperatures, they can greatly increase the blast furnace pressure and destroy the vacuum process, even in small quantities. In addition, when carbon dioxide and water vapor rush into hotter areas, gram reacts with silicon and precipitated water vapor. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the rapid and full extraction of the released gas.Roots_Vacuum_Pump

Therefore, the vacuum pump should complete the following tasks: first, to ensure that a large number of gases are pumped out under normal pressure at the beginning of the cycle; second, to maintain a considerable gas extraction speed under low pressure throughout the operation cycle.rotary_vane_vacuum_pump

