
Vacuum Pump Manufacturer

Many customers report that the high energy consumption of the vacuum pump is very serious, which increases the cost. Then the vacuum pump manufacturer introduces the energy saving tips of the vacuum pump:

1. The vacuum pump is installed diagonally to reduce the elbow. Steer the vacuum pump or the volute so that the outlet is facing the pool.

2, shorten the pipeline: remove 1 meter steel pipe, 10 hours can save 0.21 kg of diesel.piston-vacuum-pumps

3, expand the outlet pipe diameter: 4 meters long 10 cm water hose to 15 cm tube, 10 hours can save 0.5 kg of diesel.

4. The filter can be removed when the vacuum pump inlet water can be kept clean.

5. Change the ring and adjust the axial clearance to prevent the impeller ring and axial clearance from being improper. When using, adjust according to the factory instructions of the vacuum pump.

6. Eliminate pipeline blockages in time: Foreign matter left in the inlet pipe, impeller or flow guide shell flow path will reduce the water output.

7, to prevent the vacuum pump intake, into the air, the amount of water will be significantly reduced, should be checked and maintained for each sealing part.

8, the use of coupling direct drive instead of flat belt, can improve transmission efficiency.

9. Eliminate the “anti-aircraft gun” type water outlet, which increases energy consumption.vacuum-pump-manufacturer

