
Liquid ring vacuum pump system

The liquid ring vacuum pump system overcomes the characteristic of limit pressure difference when using a single liquid ring vacuum pump. It also has the disadvantage of low pumping rate under certain pressure, and can keep the liquid ring vacuum pump system working fast. At this time, the pumping rate is relatively large; liquid ring vacuum pump equipped with explosion-proof motor and electrical appliances, can also be based on the corresponding safety rules to remove flammable and explosive gases.Roots_Vacuum_Pump

In daily work, product quality is the most important, liquid ring vacuum pump must be planned shutdown. After that, it should also be noted that when the pump is shut down according to the management requirements, the person in charge of the unit must pay attention to the relevant procedures of shutdown approval four hours in advance. The first point is that when the higher power department, the company needs to stop its internal operation or line maintenance failure.

In addition, when the line in the mine fails, the maintenance will be closed; when the liquid ring vacuum pump needs to stop due to failure or regular switching; when the circulation pool needs to be replaced by water; welding and other accessories are replaced; in this case, due to other special circumstances or reasons, the vacuum pump needs to be closed.medical-air-compressors-and-vacuum-system

