
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump advantages

The liquid ring vacuum pump is a kind of crude vacuum pump. It is called water ring pump. The advantage of liquid ring vacuum pump is that the structure of the pump body is simple, the requirement for the accuracy of production is not very high, relatively simple processing; there is also a compact structure, the rotation of  liquid ring vacuum pump is relatively high, generally can be directly linked to the motor, do not need equipment deceleration equipment, so with a relatively small structural scale, it can be obtained. The larger the volume of displacement is, the less local.

The temperature of the compressed gas in the liquid ring vacuum pump does not change much, so it can be used to extract flammable and explosive gas. Because there is no metal conflict inside the water ring pump, there is no need for smooth operation inside the pump and little wear and tear on the machine. Seals required between rolling parts and fixings can also be directly sealed by water. In terms of operation, the liquid ring vacuum pump has simple operation, uniform suction, stable and reliable operation and convenient repair.

The defect of liquid ring vacuum pump is that its power is relatively low. The power of general liquid ring vacuum pump can reach about 30% and 50% are better liquid ring vacuum pumps. The vacuum of liquid ring vacuum pump is relatively low because of the constraints of structure and full vapor pressure of working fluid. If the water is used as the working fluid, the maximum pressure can only be between 2000~4000Pa. If you change oil, you can reach 130Pa.

In a word, the temperature of water ring pump does not change much during the process of compressed gas, so it can be used to extract flammable and explosive gases. The other is that the liquid ring vacuum pump can be used for the removal of dusty and condensable gases without exhaust valves and conflict appearances. With so many advantages, although the power of the liquid ring vacuum pump is low, it can still be widely used.

If you want to know more about our  vacuum pump products,  please leave a message or send us an email at contact@evpvacuum.com 

