
Roots vacuum pump

Roots vacuum pump is a Roots pump that directly discharges air. It is characterized by injecting a small amount of liquid into the pump chamber in its work. It plays a cooling role on the one hand, and more importantly, it acts as a liquid seal to improve the volume efficiency of the pump, so it is called Roots pump.vacuum-pump-installation-precautions

Because of its simple structure, good pumping performance and remarkable energy saving effect, Roots vacuum pump has been widely used not only in foreign countries, but also in China, and its application scope and market demand are further expanding.dry-screw-vacuum-pump-in-vacuum-heat-treatment-process

For many years, because there is no uniform standard for wet Roots pumps, different industries and enterprises have their own characteristics. There are many kinds of product specifications and different performance requirements.dry-vacuum-pumps-classification

