
The Vacuum Unit Is In The Turbine Oil System

Vacuum unit shaft neck wear problem, no doubt, have had a lot to do with oil system of particle pollution, how to control oil system of particle pollution, should from the equipment manufacture, installation, oil circulation system, maintenance, operation maintenance and so on various aspects, strictly implements national related standards, regulations, can success.

In the manufacturing process, the quality management should be strengthened to minimize the inherent pollutants in the equipment and prevent foreign substances from entering the oil circulation system.

In the process of construction and installation, before installation, knock and compressed air should be carried out to clean up the internal debris; It is forbidden to use gas cutting technology to cut pipes and equipment, and at the same time, it is required to conduct 100% hydrogen arc welding to completely remove welding tumors, welding slag, spatter, etc., and it is forbidden to leave undissolved welding wire head.the-vacuum-unit-is-in-the-turbine-oil-system

In front of the lubricating oil system equipment first putting-in-service proactively, deal with relevant equipment and pipeline overhaul the and clean up, at the same time to add magnet filter on end bearing shell to tubing, greatly reduce the metal particles into the bush, effectively control shaft neck of wear and tear.

After the lubricating oil system is put into use, especially during the trial operation of the unit, it is important to strengthen the management of the lubricating oil system with the main engine and monitor its oil quality. (1) during the first overhaul, the oil system’s coolers, all valves, main pumps and lubricating pumps should be disassembled for inspection, with the focus on iron scrap inspection and cleaning; At the same time, the oil pipeline of the suit was disassembled for inspection. (2) all pipelines in the fuel tank and bearing box shall be disassembled for inspection; (3) after overhaul of the unit, the fuel tank shall be thoroughly cleaned and the oil filter net and magnetic rod cleaned; (4) the lubricating oil return oil filter screen shall select the filter screen with qualified strength to prevent the filter screen from cracking.

Operation process of vacuum unit:

1. Conduct regular oil filtration according to the oil quality supervision to ensure the oil quality is qualified. (for example, the online filter is cleaned regularly, and the main oil tank bottom is connected with the online oil filter for continuous oil filtration);

2. During operation, there shall be enough magnetic rods in the oil tank, the bearing pedestal and the oil recovery filter net to absorb metal particles in the oil and clean them up during maintenance;

3. The operating personnel shall closely monitor the vibration, tile temperature, oil pressure, oil temperature and other parameters of the unit, find out the abnormality, timely analyze the causes and deal with them.CVS_Centre_Vacuum_System

